
  • 网络trinidad;Island of Trinidad;Trinity;Trinidad Island
  1. 在特立尼达岛,石油以沥青的形式出现。

    In the island of Trinidad the oil is in the form of asphalt .

  2. 这使得来自特立尼达岛的CharlesCollingwood和来自爱尔兰的IanKeith等教师想知道这到底由谁来判断。

    That worries teachers Charles Collingwood from Trinidad and Ian Keith from Ireland who wonder who 's judging .

  3. 他关于反腐反贪的讲话可能会赢得一些特立尼达岛居民的支持。

    His speeches against corruption may find a sympathetic hearing among some Trinidadians .

  4. 作为特立尼达岛独立自由党(IndependentandLiberalParty)的领导人,沃纳接着表示,美国官员主要是受了申办2022世界杯失败的刺激。

    Mr. Warner , the leader of Trinidad 's Independent and Liberal Party , went on to suggest that American officials were primarily motivated by losing a bid to host the 2022 World Cup .

  5. 名单中的其他作品包括英国作家RosieAlison的《想到你》,《骑绿色自行车的女人》,作者是出生在特立尼达岛的MoniqueRoffey。

    Rounding out the list of finalists are the British writer Rosie Alison for The Very Thought of You , and Monique Roffey , who was born in Trinidad , for The White Woman on the Green Bicycle .

  6. 另一个则在特立尼达岛是一位享有盛名的偏远清真寺的教长。

    Another is the well-liked imam of a suburban Trinidad mosque .

  7. 特立尼达岛上的西班牙港是国家的首都。

    Port of Spain , on Trinidad , is the capital .

  8. 我后来知道这是特立尼达岛,

    I learnt later that it was the island of Trinidad ,

  9. 热带岛屿特立尼达岛上,刚刚破晓。

    Dawn on the tropical island of Trinidad .

  10. 看孩子们在特立尼达岛。

    Look at the children in Trinidad .

  11. 于是我申请了两个版本的光盘,它们寄到我所在的特立尼达岛花了六周的时间。

    I ordered two versions and waited six weeks for the CDs to reach Trinidad .

  12. 今年丹麦与波黑、新西兰、特立尼达岛、多巴哥岛并列第19位。

    This year Denmark is in 19th place with Bosnia-Herzegovina , New Zealand and Trinidad and Tobago .

  13. 英联邦国家首脑在特立尼达岛举行会议时布朗发表讲话。

    He was speaking in Trinidad , where leaders from the Commonwealth group of nations are meeting .

  14. 它位于特立尼达岛和多巴哥岛的北部,圣基茨和尼维斯和格林纳定岛的南部。

    It is located north of Trinidad and Tobago , and south of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines .

  15. 南美洲和特立尼达岛的兰花,花大、黄色或微红褐色;有时归入金蝶兰属。

    Orchid of South America and Trinidad having large yellow and reddish-brown flowers ; sometimes placed in genus Oncidium .

  16. 委内瑞拉的岸外是加勒比海国家阿鲁巴岛、荷兰安的列斯群岛、特立尼达岛及多巴哥岛。

    Off the Venezuelan coast are the Caribbean States of Aruba , the Netherlands Antilles and Trinidad and Tobago .

  17. 甚至在很多与印度渊源的国家,例如肯尼亚,泰国,特立尼达岛,暹罗,斯里兰卡和马来半岛。

    Even people of Indian origin in countries like Kenya , Thailand , Trinidad , Siam , Sri Lanka and Malaya .

  18. 我后来知道这是特立尼达岛,而我的岛在南美洲北部海岸的奥里诺科河的河口。

    I learnt later that it was the island of Trinidad , and that my island was in the mouth of the River Orinoco on the north coast of South America .

  19. 巴基斯坦在签证受限指数的排名中排在第92位,其居民外出可以免签的国家只有包括特立尼达岛、多巴哥岛、海地和多米尼加等在内的32个国家。

    Pakistan is ranked at 92 in the Visa Restrictions Index , and citizens are able to visit 32 countries including Trinidad and Tobago , Haiti , and Dominica without a visa .

  20. 两个多世纪前,首批华人抵达特立尼达岛,在那里落地生根,同当地民众和睦相处,成为特多多元民族和文化密不可分的一部分。

    More than 200 years ago , the first group of Chinese settlers arrived at the island of Trinidad . They have since lived harmoniously with the local communities and become an integral part of the pluralistic society of Trinidad and Tobago .

  21. 当时担任FIFA执行委员会成员的沃纳让一名副手飞往巴黎,在一家酒店的房间里接受了一个手提箱,其中放满了一叠一叠的钞票,每叠1万美元。之后这名副手将这个手提箱转交给在特立尼达拉岛的沃纳。

    Mr. Warner , then a member of the FIFA executive committee , directed an associate to fly to Paris , accept a briefcase full of cash in $ 10000 stacks from a South African bid committee member in a hotel room , and return the briefcase to Mr. Warner in Trinidad .

  22. 美军医疗队在一个分离全球蚊媒病毒的综合性研究中,发现了这种病毒。它的名字就来源于特立尼达拉岛的发源地。

    Named after the region in Trinidad it originated , Guaico Culex was discovered during a comprehensive study by the US Army Medical Team to isolate mosquito-borne viruses around the globe .

  23. 特立尼达和多巴哥元(货币符号tt$,货币代码ttd)是特立尼达岛和多巴哥岛的货币,2005年7月,一美元兑换6.27特立尼达和多巴哥元,或是一欧元兑换7.57特立尼达和多巴哥元。

    The Trinidad and Tobago dollar ( currency symbo TT $ , currency code TTD ) is the currency of Trinidad and Tobago . As of July 2005 there were 6.27 Trinidad and Tobago dollars to the United States dollar , or 7.57 to the euro .