
  1. 冲调一杯意大利特浓咖啡,后加入15毫升咖啡酒及10毫升Rum酒拌匀。

    Prepare a cup of espresso , add15ml Coffee Liqueur & 10ml rum , and mix well .

  2. 在圣保罗,繁华的商业中心周围环绕着巴西最大的咖啡农场,一杯特浓咖啡的价格的是里斯本的两倍,圣保罗杜阿尔特(PauloDuarte)一一位医药咨询师,经常往返巴西和里斯本。

    In Sao Paulo , a bustling business hub that is surrounded by some of the country 's largest coffee farms , an espresso often costs twice as much as in Lisbon , says Paulo Duarte , a pharmaceutical consultant who splits time between both cities .

  3. 除了特浓咖啡,我还点了焦糖味的kouign-amann,它来自布列塔尼,像是蝴蝶酥和羊角面包的结合,经常被与羊角甜甜圈(Cronut)相提并论。

    Along with my espresso , I had a kouign-amann , a caramelized cross between a palmier and a croissant that comes from Bretagne and has been positively compared with the Cronut .

  4. 做杯意式特浓咖啡需要几根手指

    How many fingers does it take to make an espresso ?

  5. 如果你喜欢意大利特浓咖啡,我愿与你交流。

    Contact me if you like the real Italian coffee , Espresso .

  6. 塞吉奥:我平时喝特浓咖啡是因为普通咖啡太淡了。

    Sergio : Usually I do because the standard coffee is too weak .

  7. 许多人说特浓咖啡味道太重,他们受不了,这真是怪事。

    It 's strange since many people think that espresso is too strong for them .

  8. 你平时都喝特浓咖啡的。

    You usually drink espresso .

  9. 给我来一份意大利特浓咖啡

    Get me a double Espresso

  10. 朱莉娅:这就行了?你平时都喝特浓咖啡的。我真奇怪你怎么不喝了。

    Julia : Are you sure ? You usually drink espresso . I am surprised to hear different .

  11. 房间内井然放置着一张沙发、一架特浓咖啡机、灰石色咖啡杯,以及一架宽大的平面电视。

    There was a sofa , an espresso machine with slate-grey coffee cups , and an enormous flat-screen television .

  12. 我们还特制了特浓咖啡的小杯子,里面藏着磁铁,它使这些指南针拼命地动,全朝向咖啡杯为中心。

    And we had custom espresso cups made that hide a magnet inside , and make those compasses go crazy , always centering on them .

  13. 我一边喝着特浓咖啡,一边为自己的任务做笔记——我的任务是以十分之一的费用,设计出与他的规划最接近的版本。

    I was sipping espresso , taking notes for the task ahead - creating the most similar day I could for one-tenth of the price .

  14. 外貌有些孩子气的总统开玩笑说:你要不喝点‘兴奋剂’吧。&意思是猛灌一口特浓咖啡或伏特加,让血液流动起来。

    Maybe you should do some ' doping ', joked the boyish-looking president – slang for a brisk shot of espresso or vodka to get the blood flowing .

  15. 加上特浓咖啡,我的早餐总价为3.26欧元,不过我的确很想来一杯Carette糕点店固定价格套餐菜单上的鲜榨果汁(我知道它家的菜单上有这个)。

    With an espresso , my breakfast was 3.26 euros , but I did miss the glass of fresh juice I knew was in the Carette prix fixe .

  16. 当我们在在旧金山国际机场对旅客介绍了皮特咖啡,我们担心那些不熟悉我们的特浓咖啡的将会被其浓度吓走。

    When we introduced Peet 's coffee to travelers at San Francisco International Airport , we feared that those unfamiliar with our very hefty brewed coffee would be put off by its strength .

  17. 而据说灯光也会影响咖啡厅和餐馆里客人的选择。光线明亮意味着,他们更有可能选择香辣鸡翅;而灯光昏暗时,客人会选择更为香醇柔和的咖啡,例如一杯卡布奇诺,而不会是意大利特浓咖啡。

    Lighting is also said to play a part in the choices people make in cafes and restaurants , with bright lights meaning they are more likely to choose spicier wings and dim lights leading to more mellow choices such as a cappuccino over an espresso .