
  1. 在事实陈述方面,则以真实义务来规范当事人的陈述,尤其是规范具有特殊效力的民事自认。

    In the statement of facts , we place Obligation of truthfulness to regulate the parties , especially the self-admission with the special effect .

  2. 默示预期违约是英美法系的特有制度,大陆法系各国民法典一般只规定不安抗辩权,它是作为双务合同的特殊效力规定于合同的效力部分。

    Implied anticipatory breach of contract is a special form of breach of contract which only exists in common law system , meanwhile the countries with traditions of continental law have adopted precarious right to defense instead of implied anticipatory breach of contract .

  3. 自从Lakoff首次提出这一概念以来,研究者针对其在信息传递特殊的效力进行了大量的研究。

    Since Lakoff introduced this concept at the first beginning , a number of researches have been conducted as a result of its exceptional effect on the information delivery .

  4. 就自然债务的法律效力而言,其包括一般法律效力和特殊法律效力。

    For the legal effect of the nature obligation , it includes general legal effect and special legal effect .

  5. 基于刑事判决较高的证明标准,其既判事实预决力有特殊的效力范围和效力程度。

    The prepotency of criminal definitive fact has a special scope and extent , based on the higher standard of proof .

  6. 涉外公证书是我国公证机关对发生在国内的法律行为及有关法律意义的文件或事实向国外出具的公证文书,这类公证文书涉及面广,具有特殊的效力。

    Foreign-related notary certificates are documents issued by Notary Public Offices to certify certain legal activities and facts which happen in China . These certificates are usually submitted to foreign organizations . They cover lots of aspects and have special legal validity .

  7. 其四,对刑事证据保全的效力进行明确并指出特殊情况对其效力的限制。

    Fourth , the effectiveness of preservation of criminal evidence , a clear and pointed out that the effectiveness of the special circumstances of its restrictions .

  8. 紧接着通过理论分析提出自动发货交易中存在的主要问题,并对其所具有的电子代理人、电子错误等特殊问题的法律效力进行了归纳探讨,从而揭示产生问题的原因。

    Through theoretical analysis followed by automatic delivery transactions made the main problems , and it has the electronic agents , electronic error , and other special issues of the legal effectiveness of the induction To reveal the cause of the problem .