
  1. 准备阶段的表现特征是记忆和学习。

    The character of preparation phase is memory and study .

  2. 结果:记忆接骨器特有的力学特征:记忆为主,超弹为辅,取向单程,相变温度在(33±2)℃。

    RESULTS : The specific mechanics characters of MO were : memory as dominant and superficial elasticity as assistance , one-way orientation , phase-transition temperature ( 33 ± 2 )℃ .

  3. 结论:氧化损伤模型既能较好地表达AD的临床特征(近期记忆损害),又能部分反应AD的病理变化(Aβ沉积),是一经济实用的氧化损伤类AD大鼠模型;

    Conclusion : The oxidative damaged model could not only express the clinical characteristics ( short-term memory impairment ), but also partially reflex the pathological changes ( A β deposition ) of AD , is an economical and practical analogous AD model .

  4. 认知方式与线索特征对前瞻记忆的影响

    The effect of cognitive style and cue characteristics on prospective memory

  5. 听写困难儿童对客体-空间特征的联结记忆

    Objective-space Connection Memory in Children with Chinese Spelling Difficulties

  6. 基于突出特征的联想记忆神经网络

    Salient feature based associative memory model

  7. 人到老年有几个显著特征一是记忆减退,二是二已经不记得了。

    People to old age has several obvious characteristics is a memory loss , pull doesn 't remember .

  8. 记忆的这些特征使得错误记忆的研究成为近年来记忆研究中的热点问题。

    These characteristics of false memory make it become a hot issue in memory research in recent years .

  9. 利用频域分析工具实证得出上海股票市场波动性的日内周期特征和长记忆特征。

    Then intraday periodical and long-memory characters of Shanghai stock exchange market are worked out by frequency analysis method .

  10. 实际的金融时间序列服从一个有偏的随机游走过程,具有显著的分形特征与长期记忆效应。

    In capital market , time series follow a biased random process , and exhibit fractal characteristic and long-memory effect .

  11. 词汇教学应根据记忆的阶段性特征安排符合记忆规律的教学内容和方法。

    Based on such study , the content and method of vocabulary instruction should be in accordance with the working mechanism of human memory .

  12. 目的:探讨脑白质疏松症(leukoaraiosis,LA)记忆障碍特征及LA对记忆障碍的影响。

    AIM : To study the features of memory disorder in patients with leukoaraiosis ( LA ) and the effect of LA on memory disorders .

  13. 重要的特征为:有记忆功能、特定性和对外来物的识别能力。

    The important features are memory , specificity and the recognition of non-self .

  14. 这种差异不仅与卵巢雌激素和睾丸雄激素在雌雄个体中所发挥的不同作用密切相关,而且还有可能是促使雌雄个体表现出特征性的学习记忆功能性别差异的形态学基础。

    But also are the morphological foundations of the characteristic learning and memory shown in female and male individuals .

  15. 而且,大脑能够通过阐述小情节,包括背景、特征和关系为记忆提供叙述环境。

    Still , the brain may provide context for memories by telling itself miniature stories , complete with setting , characters , and relationships .

  16. 这代表了当年的时代特征,也是我记忆中第一次在中国见到如此巨大的非降解垃圾山。

    It was a sign of the times , and the first time I recall seeing such a mountain of non-biodegradable trash in China .

  17. 街道上的每点特征都隐藏在记忆里,而且,随着他的经过,那蔓延出的记忆卷须爬上了他的心。

    In every feature of the street some memory lurked , and , as he passed , threw out delaying tendrils , clutching at his heart .

  18. 该实验用17名被试研究了汉字音形特征对汉字短时记忆信息提取的影响。

    With 17 subjects , this paper studied the the impact of Chinese characters ' pronunciation and graphemic on the information retrival from short - term memory .

  19. 网络成瘾作为成瘾行为之一,具有与药物成瘾相似的临床特征,具有基于记忆、情绪、条件性信号、习惯等层次之上的生化机制。

    As an addiction behavior , internet addiction shares the similar clinical symptoms , and possesses the dynamic bio-chemical mechanism based on memory , feeling , conditional signal , habit , etc.

  20. 本实用新型的特征是由形状记忆合金弯管、光纤光栅、带槽铜片以及铜基片构成。

    The utility model has characteristics in that the sensor includes a shape memory alloy elbow , the fiber grating , a copper plate with groove and a copper base plate .

  21. 免疫记忆是免疫系统的一大特征,少量的记忆性细胞便能对再次免疫应答产生显著的影响,但其发挥作用的机制并不十分清楚。

    Immunological memory is one of the features of immune system . Rare memory cells can greatly affect secondary immune response , but how they exert this effect is not fully understood .

  22. 客体由不同维度不同特征组成,在记忆单维度特征的客体和多维度特征客体,是否同时采用两种编码方式或者以某一种方式为主,对此本文开展了相关的研究。

    Object composed of different features from different dimensions , when remember a single dimension characterized objects and multi-dimensional characteristics of objects , people use two kinds of encoding or in a certain way based ? This paper carried out relevant studies .

  23. 通过对仿人智能控制算法模型的分析,说明它具有分层的信息处理和决策、在线特征辨识和特征记忆、开闭环结合的多模态控制和启发式的直觉推理等基本特性。

    By analyzing of control algorithm model of AIC , some basic characters of AIC such as hierarchical information processing , decision , identifying of on-line characteristics , characteristic memory , multi-mode control of open-close loop , and heuristic intuition reasoning etc. are presented .

  24. 并对实验中特征明显的现象分析得出:煤的瓦斯放散速度在静电场处理后具有明显的粒径特征和时间记忆效应。

    The obvious phenomenon in the test was analyzed : the speed of gas radiation has obvious characteristics of particle size and time memory effects under the effect of electrostatic field .