
qiān shǒu
  • telalgia;referred pain
  • one's wife
  1. 对对情侣手牵手沿河边散步。

    Couples walked hand in hand along the front .

  2. 两家公司决定牵手开拓新市场。

    The two companies have decided to join hands to open up new market .

  3. 由此观之,摄影与诗歌、散文牵手较易和谐,而摄影与小说的联姻则困难重重。

    Thus it can be seen that it is easy for photography and poetry and proses to produce a harmonious effect but difficult for photography and novels .

  4. 这让照片中的那些人看起来像是在和心爱的人牵手。

    It makes those people in the pictures seem to be holding hands with a loved one .

  5. 加拿大皇家银行(RBC),艾米特•德莱纳里:中国移动牵手苹果。

    Amit daryanani , RBC : China Mobile to join Apple carrier list .

  6. 这两个小年轻看似有可能牵手,可是Daisy这个生涩的实习生真的适合当五月新娘的料么?

    Maybe , but this newbie intern is hardly May sweeps bride material .

  7. 中石化重金牵手F1值吗?

    Will Sinopec Corp be worth while to pay so much money to shake hands with F1 ?

  8. 《吸血鬼日记》明星Ian和Nina在周末被拍到手牵手。

    " Vampire Diaries " stars Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev were spotted holding hands over the weekend .

  9. 马里奥说他看到她们一起手牵手走着,所以泰勒斯威夫特和OneDirection哈利你是在这里听说的,他们正式在一起了,我只能说这么多。

    Mario said he saw them ' walking off hand in hand . So Taylor Swift and Harry from One Direction - you heard it here first . [ They 're ] officially hanging out , I can say that much . '

  10. L2研究总监科林o吉尔伯特表示,这一系列合作标志着创新的摇篮与时尚的发源地终于开始牵手。

    These collaborations signal a moment where the cradle of innovation and the arbiters of fashion are finally embracing one another , says L2 research director Colin Gilbert .

  11. 在美国,康纳和石油(Conoco)牵手菲利普斯石油(Phillips),雪佛兰石油(Chevron)与德士古(Texaco)合并,埃克森石油(Exxon)与美孚石油(Mobil)联姻。

    In the United States , Conoco merged with Phillips , Chevron merged with Texaco and Exxon merged with Mobil .

  12. 因为当绝大部分创业公司还在费尽心思向陌生人推介自己时,Lark已经成功牵手了最重量级的合作伙伴&苹果。

    Because while most startups have to shill to introduce themselves to strangers , lark has already introduced itself to the one party that mattered most : apple .

  13. 有小道消息称,上周六晚,水果姐和约翰梅尔被目击在洛杉矶FYF音乐节上牵手热吻。

    On Saturday night , Perry and Mayer were spotted holding hands and kissing at the FYF music festival in Los Angeles , reports Gossip Cop .

  14. 只见贝丝身着MoniqueLhuillier的高叉白色婚纱,和丈夫在风景如画的田野中手牵手漫步。

    Decked out in a white Monique Lhuillier bridal gown with a high thigh-slit , Beth and her new husband strolled across a picturesque field hand in hand .

  15. 现在它号称拥有16亿美元储蓄,并于最近牵手叙利亚第一大私人财团资助一家水泥厂的建设。这是一项耗资6亿8千万,法国的Lafarge与当地企业家联合投资的项目。

    It now boasts $ 1.6 billion in deposits , and recently led Syria 's first-ever private syndication to finance a cement plant , a joint venture between France 's Lafarge and local businessmen costing $ 680m .

  16. 在这欢乐喜庆的时刻,请牵手。

    At this joyous and festive occasion , please join hands .

  17. “牵手”的生产工艺先进、安全、独到。

    Qianshou 's manufacturing technique is advanced , safety and original .

  18. 我喜欢跟我的女友手牵手走路。

    I like to walk hand in hand with my girlfriend .

  19. 男人之间不会互相亲吻或牵手。

    Men do not kiss each other , or hold hands .

  20. 在大庭广众前牵手,我就是觉得不自在。

    I just do not feel comfortable holding hand in public .

  21. 也许我们全该手牵手,连成一线?

    Maybe we should all hold hands , make a crocodile ?

  22. 乔和苏菲手牵手走向卖冰淇淋的人。

    Joel and Sophie walk over to the ice-cream vendor hand-in-hand .

  23. 夫妻们一双一对手牵手,每个人都沉浸爱海中。

    Couples are holding hands , and everyone is in love .

  24. 最初的牵手:近代妇女文学与政治

    The First Union : Feminine Literature and Politics in Modem Times

  25. 这首歌叫「手牵手」。

    It is a song called ," Hand in Hand " .

  26. 静静的手牵手,是最简单的梦。

    Hand in hand , quiet is the most simple dream .

  27. 自与你牵手那天,新的生活开始了。

    My life began again the day you took my hand .

  28. 让我们独自在街上,手牵手.

    and left us alone in the street , holding hands .

  29. 牵手信托与租赁:银行业大有可为

    Join hands with Trust and Lease : An Inviting Prospect for Banks

  30. 牵手受力的研究

    A Study of the Forces Exerted on the Beating-up Linkage