
  • 网络Ng Joo Siang;Huang Yu-Siang;Yu-Shiang Huang
  1. 此外,他已经听说中渔集团董事总经理黄裕翔(ngjoosiang)一直在与瑞银接触,商谈在奥斯陆二次上市事宜(挪威人了解渔业),这意味着该公司正在寻求更多的资金。

    Moreover , he had heard that ng Joo Siang , managing director of China fishery , had been talking to UBS about a secondary listing in Oslo ( Norwegians understand fish ) , suggesting the company was looking for additional funds .

  2. 中渔集团执行董事黄裕翔(NgJooSiang)在其香港总部的办公室里表示:我们知道会出现这种情况,只是没想到来得这么快。

    We understood that this would happen , says its group managing director , Ng Joo Siang , speaking at his Hong Kong head office , where the corridors are lined with photographs and packages of fish products . We just did not think it would happen so quickly .

  3. 同时,黄裕翔还希望业务进一步扩大和升级。

    Mr Ng , meanwhile , wanted to expand and upgrade .

  4. 黄裕翔表示,为此他正在对自己的工厂升级换代,引进更多的自动化设备,以降低劳动力密集程度。

    In response , Mr Ng says he is retooling his factories and introducing more automation to make them less labour intensive .