
  • 网络Physical geological phenomena;physical geologic phenomenon
  1. 滑坡和泥石流是陕南山地成灾的主要物理地质现象。

    Landslide and mudflow are main physic geological phenomena in the mountainous region of Southern Shaanxi .

  2. 易发性是对某一地区地质灾害发生难易程度的描述,反映物理地质现象;

    The susceptibility describes the complexity to occur geological disaster in a certain district and reflects physics geological phenomena .

  3. 现代物理地质现象的发生发展,是以区域的第四纪古地质环境为背景的.第四纪地质研究对水文地质工程地质工作的意义愈加深远。

    The development of modern physical geology is in the regional geological environment of Quaternary , so the Quaternary geologic research becomes more important to hydrogeologic and engineering geologic work .

  4. 对坝址区的地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造、区域构造稳定性评价、物理地质现象等工程地质条件进行了分析、研究,对场地工程地质条件进行了评价。

    The engineering geologic condition about topography , stratigraphy , tectonic structure , the stability of regional tectonics and the phenomena of physical geology have been analyzed and researched , and then the engineering geologic condition of the dam site has been evaluated .

  5. 崩塌是指陡峻边坡岩体或土体在自重和外力作用下,突然脱离母岩(土)体而突然猛烈的由高处崩落的物理地质现象。

    The collapses is a physical geology phenomenon refering to the high and precipitous slope rock mass or the soil body , under the effect of dead weight and exogenic force , suddenly separated from the mother rock ( earth ) body and violently came down from the high place .