
niú chē
  • ox cart;bullock(ox) cart;bullock-cart;ox wagon;rut;ruth
牛车 [niú chē]
  • (1) [ox wagon]∶由牛拉的重车

  • (2) [rut;ruth;bullock(ox) cart]∶用牛拉的车辆

牛车[niú chē]
  1. 牛车发出笨重的辘辘声。

    The ox cart rumbled down the road .

  2. 韩国牛车木制模型的雕塑。

    Korean Ox Cart Wooden Model Sculpture .

  3. Trek这个词在南非被借入英语,在南非讲南非荷兰语的人用来指用牛车所进行的旅行。

    Trek was borrowed into English in South Africa , where the word was used by speakers of Afrikaans for a journey by ox wagon .

  4. 1924年,哈佛大学的艺术史学家及考古学家兰登·华尔纳(LangdonWarner)坐了三个多月的牛车,从敦煌辗转回了北京,内衣里包着一尊3.5英尺高的菩萨雕像,要交给他在坎布里奇的客户。

    The Harvard art historian and archaeologist Langdon Warner endured more than three months on an ox-drawn cart as he headed back to Beijing from Dunhuang in 1924 with a three-and-a-half-foot bodhisattva wrapped in his underwear for his patrons in Cambridge .

  5. 这辆牛车是往牛群方向去的。

    This chuck wagon is heading off to a cattle drive .

  6. 在牛车水,你可以购物和买到好吃的传统食物。

    You can shop and get good traditional food in Chinatown .

  7. 会有水牛车等着护送战俘们离开。

    Where Carabao carts will be waiting to escort the prisoners .

  8. 在牛车后绑着的是女奴隶艾若尼。

    Attached to the wagon is young slave girl , Eirene .

  9. 试论中国牛车、马车的本土起源

    On the Native Origin of the Oxcart and Carriage of China

  10. 在牛车水,有些旧店已经被拆除。

    Some old shops in Chinatown have been torn down .

  11. 早期到新加坡来的华人移民都在牛车水附近建立家园。

    Early Chinese immigrants to Singapore built homes around Chinatown .

  12. 不亮前灯的公车超越我们,我们超越牛车。

    Buses with no headlights pass us , and we pass oxcarts .

  13. 如果没去看过牛车水,那就不算真正到过新加坡。

    A visit to Singapore is incomplete without a look at Chinatown .

  14. 在牛车水的灯饰为农历新年带来欢乐。

    Lights in Chinatown brings cheer for the Chinese New Year season .

  15. 不要以为牛车水一切的事物都只属于华人。

    Do not expect everything in Chinatown to be solely Chinese in nature .

  16. 牛车是不是一个没牛的牛车?

    Is an oxcart an oxcart without an ox ?

  17. 乡间道路泥泞不堪,布满了牛车压出的车辙。

    The country roads were muddy and full of furrows left by farm carts .

  18. 晋代牛车在社会生活中的作用与地位探析

    The function and role of the ox-cart in the social life in Jin Dynasty

  19. 比我这牛车是快多了!

    Much faster than my bull-drawn cart !

  20. 马达加斯加&旭日照亮了沿着安哥拉市艾维留大街上行驶的交通工具(唯一的一驾牛车)。

    Madagascar Sunrise reveals light traffic a lone oxcart along the Avenue of the Baobabs .

  21. 一座新的大佛寺不久将在牛车水中心地带落成。

    A big new Buddhist temple will soon be erected in the heart of Chinatown .

  22. 然后他们就把商队所有的货物和牛车据为己有。

    Then they had taken for themselves all the merchandise and bullock carts of the caravan .

  23. “这么早?”不亮前灯的公车超越我们,我们超越牛车。

    At this hour ? Buses with no headlights pass us , and we pass oxcarts .

  24. 一个有着惊人悖论的国度,牛车和喷气飞机完美和谐共存。

    A country of amazing paradoxes , where bullock carts and jets co-exist in perfect harmony .

  25. 他们认出了商队甲装满货物的牛车,和散落各处的人畜骨架。

    They recognized that the fully loaded carts and the scattered bones belonged to the former caravan .

  26. 虽然牛车水大多数的居民是华人,在这里还是可以看到文化融合在一起。

    Although residents are mostly chinese , a blend of cultures can still be seen in chinatown .

  27. 在他们心中,永远挥不去牛车水纸袋既可悲又难堪的错误阴影。

    They can never get rid of the erroneous image of the embarrassment associated with the paper bag .

  28. 那时从英国进口的重型机械,只能用牛车装载运过高山。

    The heavy machinery , imported from England , had to be hauled over the mountains in ox carts .

  29. 当时我已经徒步走了80英里,我还要坐三天的牛车前往马丘比丘。

    I 'd already hiked 80 miles to this point and I had a three-day trek to Machu Pichu .

  30. 我们需要彻底地重新定义,就像从乘牛车到坐飞机。

    We really have to completely reimagine it . It 's like going from ox carts to the airplane .