
  • 网络The Tooth Fairy
  1. 连复活节兔子和牙仙也不存在?

    There 's no Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy , either ?

  2. 牙仙的真正起源人们不得而知。

    No one knows the real origins of the Tooth Fairy .

  3. 牙仙取走后,留给你一枚硬币!

    She takes the goddamn thing , gives you a quarter !

  4. 快告诉我你的牙仙朋友在哪里。

    Now , tell me where your friend the fairy is .

  5. 就像牙仙一样,都是编造出来的。

    Just like the tooth fairy , completely made up .

  6. 你们听说过牙仙的传说吗?

    Do you understand the concept of the tooth fairy ?

  7. 圣诞老人,牙仙,白马王子。

    Santa Claus , the tooth fairy , prince charming .

  8. 这一天庆祝的是传说中牙仙的到来。

    This day celebrates one of childhood 's make-believe visitors .

  9. 巨石强森饰演了一名冰上曲棍球选手,绰号“牙仙”。

    Johnson stars as a hockey player affectionately known as The Tooth Fairy .

  10. 牙仙,回家吧!在这里他们会把你生吞活剥的。

    Tooth , come home ! They 'll eat you alive out there .

  11. 我希望小牙仙别有麻烦。

    I hope the tooth fairy doesn 't get in trouble for this .

  12. 对不起,你是牙仙吗?

    Excuse me , are you the tooth fairy ?

  13. 下次我要小牙仙给我更多的钱。

    Next time I 'll wish for some real money from the tooth fairy .

  14. 2月28日是全国牙仙日。

    February 28 is National Tooth Fairy Day .

  15. 这次我要问牙仙多要点钱。

    I 'm gonna ask for some real money from the tooth fairy this time .

  16. 这是一个死牙仙。

    That is one dead fairy .

  17. 乳牙脱落后,牙仙会在夜半来到。

    The Tooth Fairy comes in the middle of the night after a child loses a milk tooth .

  18. 他们对牙仙的到来以及给几张钞票兴奋不已。

    They are more excited about the Tooth Fairy 's visit and how much money she 'll leave .

  19. 全国牙仙日也能够让孩子了解按时刷牙的重要性。

    National Tooth Fairy Day is also a good day to make sure children understand the importance of brushing their teeth regularly .

  20. 父母会告诉孩子将牙齿放在枕头底下,早上,他们会收到牙仙给他们的钱。

    Parents tell the child to put the tooth under his or her pillow and in the morning they will find some money from the Tooth Fairy .

  21. 夜里牙仙来把牙取走,第二天早上,枕头下面会有钱哦~

    A tooth fairy comes during the night and takes the tooth with her . The next morning , the child would find money underneath the pillow .

  22. 不过,在他收到传票的那一刻,你应该已经预知了,总有一天,万事俱备,“牙仙”德里克会变成一个体贴周到、拥护仙子的人。

    But you know from the moment he gets the summons there will come that one pivotal moment when everything clicks and Derek the Tooth Fairy becomes Derek the Considerate , Fairy-Loving Man .

  23. 是把它扔在房子的顶端、埋在岩石下面、还是把它藏起来并祈求牙仙的拜访?

    Do you throw it on top of a house ? Do you bury it under a rock ? Or do you hide it and hope for a visit from the tooth fairy ?

  24. 其他一些人则追问生命的奥秘。每月有8100人问谷歌“我们存在的意义是什么”,还有同样数量的人请教是不是真有牙仙。

    Others are in search of answers to life 's mysteries , with 8100 people asking Google ' why are we here ? ' every month and the same number asking if the tooth fairy is real .