
pái wèi
  • memorial tablet
牌位 [pái wèi]
  • [memorial tablet] 指神主、灵位或其他题着名字作为祭祀对象的木牌

牌位[pái wèi]
  1. 祭祀权物化为三个方面:牌位、宗族祠堂、坟茔。

    Sacrificing right is materialized to three aspects , including memorial tablet , ancestral temple of clansman , and tomb .

  2. 在乾隆死后,他自己的画像和牌位也由他的继位人摆放在这里以便纪念和供奉。

    After Qianlong died , his own portrait and memorial tablet were placed here for remembrance and worshipping by his successor .

  3. 他将这句誓言放在神龛内阿真的牌位旁。

    He put the promise in the shrine beside the tablet of O-Tei .

  4. 纪念艾莉的牌位在那个地方

    Ali 's shrine is right over there ...

  5. 把祖先的牌位都供和祖先的那个,我爷爷奶有的相片什么的,都供在那儿。

    We will place the name boards of ancestors , and photos from my grandparents there .

  6. 他将她的牌位放在自设的神龛内,每天供上祭品。

    He put the ceremonial tablet in his personal shrine , and every day he set offerings before it .

  7. 悟空二次进洞,没找到师父,却见到李天王和哪吒牌位。

    Monkey entered the cave and did not find his master But he saw the memorial tablets for Heavenly King Li and Nezha .

  8. 这里是为不同的牲畜写的牌位,摆放着它们所喜欢吃的各类新鲜蔬菜,青草也是食品之一。

    These memorial tablets were for the killed animals of different types . A variety of fresh vegetables were displayed , including grass .

  9. 她在弥留之际,曾反复嘱咐儿子,一定要把灵前的牌位写得气派一点。

    She is in during be dying , ever told a son repeatedly , must write the memorial tablet before spirit air a bit .

  10. 结果被明太祖朱元璋下令“废而不祀”,连牌位都被扔出了儒家祠堂。

    Results are the first Ming emperor ordered the " waste not worship ", even tablets have been thrown out of the Confucian shrine .

  11. 相反,在她过世后,后人为她立了一个牌位,前面放了一桌的山珍海味作为她的贡品。

    In contrast , after her death , there is a memorial tablet set up for her , in front of which is a table of delicacies as tributes .

  12. 而蒋指使别人行凶,自己却若无其事地宣讲耶稣和孔子的圣训,既到卫理会教堂做祷告,又向祖宗牌位顶礼膜拜。

    Chiang let others do the killings , then gave a lecture on Jesus Christ and Confucius , prayed in the Methodist Church and bowed to his ancestral tablets .

  13. 不忠,不孝,损人利己,不洗手就在祖宗牌位前上香之类。

    Bad deeds consisted of being disloyal , unfilial , gaining advantage at the expense of others or burning incense in front of the ancestral tablets without first washing your hands .

  14. 在村子一角的祠堂里,供着窦氏从始祖以下二十代列祖列宗的神主牌位。

    In an old temple at the corner of the village , there were the ancestral tablets of twenty generations dating back to the first Tou who had made his way into these hills .

  15. 牌位、宗族祠堂、坟茔从古至今,既深深地影响了我国的传统文化,传统文化又吸收了祭祀活动中的各种行为的观念,又反过来影响祭祀活动。

    Memorial tablet , ancestral temple of clansman , and tomb have made great influence on the traditional culture in our country in all ages . Meanwhile , traditional culture absorbed the idea of various behaviors in the sacrificing activities , so that it also had impact on sacrificing activities .