
  • love
爱意 [ài yì]
  • 爱恋欣羡的情意。如:“虽然他心中充满爱意,却苦无机会向她表达。”

  1. 她对他骤生爱意,欲火攻心。

    She felt a surge of love and desire for him .

  2. 他的行为流露出对苏珊的强烈爱意。

    He manifested his strong love for Susan in his behavior .

  3. 怎样才能使你的婚姻再次充满绵绵爱意呢?

    How can you put the romance back into your marriage ?

  4. 她礼貌地向他打招呼,但没有一丝爱意。

    She greeted him civilly but with no sign of affection .

  5. 乔已移情别恋,把爱意从莉萨转移到了克利奥身上。

    Joe had already transferred his affections from Lisa to Cleo .

  6. 她和希尔达道别时流露出了明显的爱意。

    She said goodbye to Hilda with a convincing show of affection

  7. 一阵强烈而纯洁的爱意涌遍他全身。

    A rush of pure affection swept over him

  8. 几个月来不断暗示爱意、想发展长期恋爱关系的男人却突然远走美国。

    A man who for months had been dropping amorous hints about a long-term relationship upped and disappeared to America

  9. 我女儿用充满爱意的温柔语调对她的玩具娃娃说话。

    My daughter spoke to her doll in tender accents of love .

  10. 被他们热烈表达的爱意所感动。

    Touched by their enthusiastic expression of affection .

  11. 在特殊的日子里,人们常常用玫瑰或勿忘草来表达爱意。

    On special days , people often use roses or forget-me-nots to express love .

  12. 那个无家可归的人笑着说:"通过展现爱意。"

    With a smile , the homeless guy said , " By showing love . "

  13. 他抱紧了我,喃喃述说着爱意

    He held me close to him , murmuring endearments .

  14. 看来她真的被这个爱意的表示惊呆了。

    She appeared genuinely surprised by this gesture of affection .

  15. 芬圆睁着眼睛满是爱意地看着威伯,偷偷地笑了。

    Fern chuckled softly , and her eyes grew wide with love for the pig .

  16. “肉食女”就是那些主动追求男性的女性。一旦看见中意的男性,就会如饿虎扑食一样主动表达爱意,且完全不顾旁观者的诧异目光。

    Girls of prey are women who chase boys all the time , expressing their affection for them once they have the target .

  17. 这个词最早来源于莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》第一场第五幕中的一句对白:像哈姆雷特这样贫苦的人,要怎样向你表达他的爱意和友情呢。

    The word comes from a term coined by Shakespeare in Hamlet , act 1 , scene 5 : And what so poor a man as Hamlet is May do , to express his love and friending to you .

  18. 如果我爱你,我会相信你将接受我的关心与爱意,我会相信你不会故意把我伤害,我会相信你终将发现我的可爱之处,我会相信你不会把我弃于不顾;

    If I love you , I trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won 't deliberately13 hurt me . I trust that you will find me lovable and that you won 't abandon me ;

  19. 也许你已决定了用一部新的iPhone向你的伴侣表达你的爱意。

    Hong Kong ( CNN ) -- Maybe you 've decided to show yourpartner love with a new iPhone .

  20. 值此夏威夷周年纪念日之际,我们表达对你的深深爱意,欢迎收看CNN学生新闻。

    On the anniversary of Hawaii 's statehood , we say aloha , and welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS .

  21. 一段点击次数超过200万的YouTube宣传视频宣称,这种耳机可以为年轻人提供一种表达爱意的方式。

    A YouTube promotional video that has received more than 2 million views suggests it could provide a way for young people to express romantic interest .

  22. 在本集中,Stefan和Elena有很多感人的画面,从一起被关进牢笼互表爱意到Stefan把日光戒指戴到Elena手指上。

    Stefan and Elena had a couple of touching scenes , from being caged up next to one another and each saying I love you to Stefan putting the daylight ring on her finger .

  23. 但是就在离婚礼当天仅有六个星期的时候,她的首席伴娘,33岁的SarahWoodford鼓起勇气向她表达了爱意,至此Kerry的世界完全颠覆了。

    But her world was turned upside down when her chief bridesmaid Sarah Woodford , 33 , plucked up the courage to confess her love for her - just six weeks before the big day .

  24. 费雪把莱娅公主塑造成了一个完全能够应对自己痛苦的姑娘,不管是在打败可怕的达斯•维达(DarthVader)的邪恶行为,还是在压制恣意妄为的走私犯汉•索罗(HanSolo)的爱意时。

    Fisher established Princess Leia as a damsel who could very much deal with her own distress , whether facing down the villainy of the dreaded Darth Vader or the romantic interests of the roguish smuggler Han Solo .

  25. 之前有爆料说由于在第四季中狼人Alcide将会迎来一位新主人Raoul,所以他不能自由的对Sookie表达自己的爱意。

    As previously teased , this werewolf Raoul may not be free to cozy up to Sookie on season four because a new master will come on board .

  26. 韩国移动手机运营商KFT提供了一项“爱情检测”服务,该服务通过高科技来分析声音,从而看恋人是否满怀爱意地说话。

    The " Love Detector " service from mobile operator KTF uses technology that is supposed to analyze voice patterns to see if a lover is speaking honestly and with affection .

  27. 我向莉莉表达爱意,但她拒绝了我。

    I showed love to lily , but she denied me .

  28. 我们需要超越两性之间的不同之处,创造充满爱意的夫妻关系。

    We need to transcend our differences and creating loving relationships .

  29. 为另一个人表达爱情或者爱意的歌。

    A song about love or expressing love for another person .

  30. 这种婚姻通常没有爱意绵绵、曼蒂克的过去。

    It usually does not have a loving or romantic past .