
  • 网络Elysee;Elysees
  1. 东风·爱丽舍(ELYSEE)轿车安全气囊原理及故障诊断

    Operating principle and trouble locating of safety air bag for-Dongfeng Elysee car

  2. 汽车工业发展模式及产品开发模式的探讨&神龙公司爱丽舍项目的开发组织

    Auto Industry Development and Auto Product R D Mode DPCA Elysee Project

  3. 爱丽舍宫兴建于1718年,迄今已有近300年的历史。

    The Elysee Palace , built in1718 , has a long history of closing to300 years to date .

  4. 可以听到爱丽舍广场上榆树丛中鸟巢在空中对话,互道晚安。

    The aerial dialogue of the nests bidding each other good night in the elms of the Champs-Elysees was audible .

  5. 当然,若论舒适,新爱丽舍的全新座椅在辅助操控和增加舒适度方面肯定功不可没。

    Of course , if the comfort of the new Elysee new auxiliary seat in the control and increasing credit doubt comfort .

  6. 本文首先讲述了爱丽舍转向系的整体结构;具体介绍了它的功用;分类和工作原理。

    First described in this paper of the Elysee to the overall structure of concrete introduced its function ; classification and principle .

  7. 充满了日光和人群的爱丽舍广场只见阳光和灰尘,那是构成光辉的两种东西。

    The Champs-Elysees , filled with sunshine and with people , were nothing but light and dust , the two things of which glory is composed .