
róng yán
  • lava;magma
熔岩 [róng yán]
  • [lava] 从火山或地面裂缝中喷溢出来的岩浆(如黑曜岩,浮岩)

  • 黑色熔岩

熔岩[róng yán]
  1. 大量岩石和熔岩喷发出来。

    An immense volume of rocks and molten lava was erupted .

  2. 熔岩在火山口下几英尺处沸腾。

    Lava bubbled a few feet below the lip of the crater .

  3. 大量的熔岩顺着山坡流下来。

    Rivers of molten lava flowed down the mountain .

  4. 熔岩从火山中喷出。

    Lava is extruded from the volcano .

  5. 较厚的熔岩需要两周的时间才能凝固。

    The thicker lava would have taken two weeks to solidify

  6. 大地开裂,汩汩冒出炽热的熔岩。

    The ground had opened to disgorge a boiling stream of molten lava .

  7. 城市被火山熔岩掩埋。

    The city was entombed in volcanic lava

  8. 那座火山在喷发熔岩。

    The volcano was spouting lava .

  9. 熔岩沿火山坡面涌流而下。

    The lava flowed down the sides of the volcano .

  10. 火山不住地喷出熔岩。

    The volcano kept throwing up streams of lava .

  11. 如果熔岩沉入这个通道,山顶就会留下一个火山口。

    If the lava sinks back into its chimney , a crater is left at the top of the mountain .

  12. 这些成千成百的绿方块,都由黑熔岩石墙划分出来,使得山岭就好像巨大的棋盘一样。

    These hundreds of green squares , marked by their black lava walls , make the hills look like vast chequerboards .

  13. 这条湖是很久以前熔岩堵塞河道形成的

    The lake was ponded by lavas a long time ago .

  14. 火山喷涌着熔岩。

    The volcano was spurting out rivers of molten lava .

  15. 上升熔岩流到海底并堵住了裂隙,结果把海水封在里面

    Rising molten rock flows out on the ocean floor and caps the fissures , trapping the water .

  16. 但危险的是,他们低估了如被飞石砸伤、吸入有毒气体或被熔岩流阻断去路的风险。

    But they dangerously underestimate the risks such as being injured by flying rocks , the threat of toxic4 gas or getting cut off by lava5 flows .

  17. 长白山天池碱性熔岩中碱性长石斑晶的X射线研究

    X-ray studies of alkali feldspar phenocryst from alkaline lava at tianchi , Changbaishan

  18. 熔岩样品中微量Am、Cm的分析

    The analysis of trace am and cm in molten rock samples

  19. 熔结凝灰岩的Gd元素含量比熔岩高;

    Simultaneously , the content of Gd in tuff rock is higher than that in lava .

  20. 苦橄岩、苦橄质玄武岩和玄武岩组成的熔岩层厚100~200m。

    The lava layer composed of picrite , picritic basalt and basalts is 100 to 200 m thick .

  21. 对于那些具有消减带信号的基性熔岩,可以根据Zr含量和Zr/Y比值,或利用Zr/Y-Zr图解,判断它们是否真正是岛弧或活动大陆边缘玄武岩。

    For the basic lavas with subduction-type signatures , we can judge whether they are really island-arc or active continental margin basalts by studying Zr contents and Zr / Y ratios or Zr / Y-Zr diagram .

  22. 以K-Ar稀释法和40Ar/39Ar阶段加热法对利文斯顿岛百尔斯半岛的熔岩和次火山岩测定了同位素年龄。

    K Ar dilution and 40 Ar / 39 Ar step heating methods have been chosen in dating the isotopic ages of the volcanic and intrusive rocks of Byers Peninsula , Livingston Island .

  23. 变质作用是由喷发的熔体被掩埋到20km或更深,深埋的熔岩流使得玄武岩被重新加热到变质温度形成的。

    This metamorphism resulted from the eruption and subsequent burial of lava flows to depths of 20 km or more and that deeply buried basalts were reheated to their melting points .

  24. 球体含量在80%以上,大小一般0.5~10cm,胶结物为隐晶质、玻质熔岩。

    The content of spheroids in such kind of rocks is more than 80 % . They are generally 0.5 ~ 10 cm in diameter , and the cement is cryptocrystalline and glassy lavas .

  25. 富铌的岛弧玄武岩则是中等到高碱的镁铁质熔岩,它们相对于正常的岛弧玄武岩含有较多的高场强元素(HFSE)。

    Niobium-enriched arc basalts are mildly - to highly-alkalic mafic lavas that contain relatively higher amount of high field-strength elements ( HFSE ) than normal arc lavas .

  26. 埃达克岩(adakite)最初是指由消减板片玄武岩物质熔融形成的富硅、富钠、高Sr/Y和La/Yb比值的弧火山熔岩。

    The term adakite was originally used to designate silica - and sodium-rich , high-Sr / Y and - La / Yb arc lava derived from melting of the basaltic portion of a subducted slab .

  27. 侏罗纪末~早白垩世初的火山活动除有熔岩(146Ma,137Ma)喷出外,还发育有辉长岩侵入体(135Ma)和辉绿岩岩墙(129Ma)等次火山岩。

    The Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous activity produced basaltic and basaltic andesitic lavas ( 146Ma , 137Ma ), followed by gabbro intrusion ( 135Ma ) and aplite dyke ( 129Ma ) .

  28. 以碱性熔岩为主的HT熔岩是产生于幔源石榴子石稳定区的低度部分熔融,其化学变异受控于单斜辉石(Cpx)[±橄榄石(Ol)]分离作用。

    The predominantly HT alkaline lavas were generated by low degrees of partial melting in the garnet stability field of the mantle source . The chemical variation of the HT lavas is controlled by a clinopyroxene ( Cpx ) [ ± olivine ( Ol ) ] fractionation .

  29. 该区含油气的火山岩主要为中石炭世巴山组(C2b),包括熔岩(安山岩和玄武岩)和火山碎屑岩。

    Oil - and gas-bearing volcanic rocks in this area belong to the Bashan group ( C_2b ) . The rocks are mainly lava ( including andesites and basalts ) and pyroclastic ones .

  30. 福安地区碎斑熔岩的基本特征及成因

    Basic Characteristics and Genesis of Porphyroclastic Lava in the Fu'an Area