
  • 网络gmaw;gas metal arc welding;gas metal-arc welding
  1. 通过比较单道焊和双道焊的裂纹率及裂纹扩展方式说明,MIG焊(熔化极惰性气体保护电弧焊)焊缝具有良好的抗裂能力;

    Compared between the single and the multipass welding , the mode and rate of cracking propagation demonstrated that weld metal has good capability to resist crack propagation .

  2. 气电立焊是由普通熔化极气体保护焊和电渣焊发展而形成的一种熔化极气体保护电弧焊方法。

    Electrogas welding is development from a common MIG welding and electroslag welding , and which is one of MIG arc welding methods .