
xī huǒ
  • stall;flameout;misfire;cutoff;brennschluss
熄火 [xī huǒ]
  • [flameout] 发动机中的火焰熄灭(如因燃烧不正常或因燃料告罄而熄灭)

熄火[xī huǒ]
  1. 但是B-1910在运行期间存在一些问题,如点火困难,熄火等。(1)本文对B-1910装置的出现的问题(如炉内火焰熄灭,点火时间长并且效果差等)进行了分析。

    However , there are some problems in the EO / EG unit during operation , such as ignition problems and flameout . ( 1 ) This article talks about the problems of the B-1910 , such as flameout , long ignition time and poor results .

  2. 发动机;遥控;预热;伺服调速;测速;熄火;

    Engine Remote control Preheating Speed servo adjusting Speed testing Flameout ;

  3. 汽车熄火打不着了。

    The car stalled and refused to start again .

  4. 我们在驶近通往TsagochenThang的垭口时,货车噼啪几声熄火了。

    We were nearing the top of the pass to Tsagochen Thang when the van spluttered and died .

  5. 接着,发动机突然咔咔地响了几声,然后就熄火了。

    Then suddenly , the engine coughed , spluttered and died .

  6. 你的脚离开踏板,汽车便会熄火。

    Your foot falls off the pedal and you stall the car .

  7. 我们告诉他在外边等着,不要熄火。

    We told him to wait out front with the engine running .

  8. 她刹车停下,然后将车熄火。

    She braked to a halt and switched off .

  9. 我没让发动机熄火,因为也许需要迅速离开。

    I kept the engine running because it might be necessary to leave fast

  10. 发动机熄火了。他用力踩油门。

    The engine stalled . He pressed the accelerator hard

  11. 突然发动机噗噗响起来,噼啪几下就熄火了。

    Suddenly the engine coughed , spluttered and died .

  12. 机器老是卡住,马达隔不了几分钟就突然熄火。

    Every few minutes the motor cut out as the machinery became jammed .

  13. 我刚发动引擎时,引擎冒出火星,发出长长的嘶声,然后就熄火了。

    When I started the engine it sparked , fizzed and went dead .

  14. 坦克越来越频繁地熄火。

    The tanks broke down with increasing frequency .

  15. 他们靠边停车熄火。

    They pulled over and shut off the engine

  16. 发动机突然熄火了。

    The engine stalled

  17. 飞机起飞前往洛杉矶,在爬升过程中一台发动机熄火,刚飞离跑道就坠毁了。

    The plane took off for LA , lost an engine as it climbed , and crashed just off the runway .

  18. 别让发动机熄火。

    Keep the engine running .

  19. 汽车熄火了,我怎么也发动不起来。

    The car stopped and I couldn 't start it anyhow .

  20. 没等比赛熄火,他们已稳拿第一。

    Even before the competition ended it was clear they would win first place .

  21. 炉子熄火后温度仍然很高。

    The temperature in the stove remains high after the fire was put out .

  22. 司机正在熄火。

    The driver is cutting the engine .

  23. 汽车引擎熄火了。

    The car engine went dead .

  24. "煮三杯水,加入混合物,慢火煮三分钟,熄火,静置五分钟。"

    " Bring three cups of water to boil , add mix , simmer three minutes , remove from heat , let stand five minutes . "

  25. 由于一个引擎突然熄火,飞机只好迫降。

    forced The plane had to make a forced landing because one of the engines failed .

  26. 对涉及多旋流燃烧室稳定燃烧的贫油熄火征兆现象进行了CFD数值研究。

    The lean blow out symptoms in combustion chamber with double swirling were studied .

  27. 钝体驻定湍流扩散火焰局部熄火的PDF模拟

    PDF Simulation of Local Extinction Within a Bluff-Body Stabilized Turbulent Non-Premixed Flame

  28. 观察到如下试验现象:(1)熄火试样表面元素分布不均匀,C元素和催化剂在熄火表面均有不同程度的积累;

    The following experimental phenomena were observed : ( 1 ) the elements distribution of quenched samples surface were not uniform , and element C and catalysts existed accumulation to some degree ;

  29. PCM连续3次检查没有发现故障(除了熄火及燃油系统监视器)。

    PCM does not detect the malfunction for 3 consecutive trips ( except misfire and Fuel system Monitors ) .

  30. 采用微测温和火焰照相及SEM研究了含硼富燃料推进剂燃烧波温度分布、火焰结构及熄火表面;

    The combustion wave temperature profiles , the flame structure and extinguished surface of boron-based fuel-rich propel-lant are investigated by means of temperature measuring , flame photograph and SEM .