
xī miè
  • extinguish;go out;quench;extinct;put out;wink out
熄灭 [xī miè]
  • (1) [extinguish;wink out]∶指物体不再燃烧

  • 在这一代年轻人中进取心的火花决没有熄灭

  • (2) [go out]∶灯火灭了

  • 过了一会儿,门厅的灯光熄灭了

熄灭[xī miè]
  1. 它最高的火山是早已熄灭的奥林波斯山。

    Its tallest volcano , long extinct , is Olympus Mons .

  2. 门房里的那盏小灯早已熄灭了。

    The little light in the lodge had long been extinct .

  3. 救火车到达之前火就熄灭了。

    The fire had burnt out before the fire engines arrived .

  4. 聚光灯渐渐熄灭,观众席的灯亮了。

    The spotlight faded and the house lights came up .

  5. 他们为使理想主义和希望的火炬不熄灭而奋斗。

    They struggled to keep the torch of idealism and hope alive .

  6. 指示灯未熄灭之前乘客不许抽烟。

    Passengers must not smoke until the signs have been switched off .

  7. 炉火烧尽熄灭了。

    The fire had burnt itself out .

  8. 所有灯光都熄灭了。

    All lights had been extinguished .

  9. 其中几盏灯一个接一个地熄灭了。

    Several of the lights went out , one after another .

  10. 所有的灯都熄灭了,大家都变得歇斯底里起来。

    All the lights went off , and mass hysteria broke out .

  11. 观众席的灯光暗了下来,闪了几下,然后就熄灭了。

    The house lights dimmed , flickered and went out .

  12. 入口处的告示牌提醒游客们熄灭香烟。

    Signs across the entrances warn all visitors to stub out their cigarettes .

  13. 新闻发布会一结束,灯光就熄灭了。

    The lights are extinguished as soon as the news conference is over .

  14. 随后的报道称,海上的石油大火已经熄灭。

    A later report said the oil fire on the sea was out .

  15. 看门人巡视一圈,把灯熄灭。

    The janitor comes round to turn the lights out

  16. 消防官员让火自行熄灭。

    Fire officials let the fire burn itself out .

  17. 那支已熄灭的香烟仍在他指间。

    The dead cigarette was still between his fingers

  18. 一旦大火熄灭,救援小组就会马上进入。

    Once the fire has died out , the salvage team will move in .

  19. 她的香烟燃起一阵亮光,然后就熄灭了。

    Her cigarette glowed brightly , then died .

  20. 随着水从窗子漫进来,灯全部熄灭了。

    As the water came in the windows , all the lights went off .

  21. 橱窗里的灯熄灭了。

    The light in the window went out

  22. 熄灭的蜡烛冒出缕缕轻烟。

    Faint smoke came from the extinguished candle .

  23. 请熄灭香烟。

    Please extinguish the cigarette .

  24. 营火在火焰熄灭后闷烧了好几个小时。

    The campfire smouldered for hours after the blaze died out .

  25. 别让火熄灭,好吗?

    Don 't let the fire out , will you ?

  26. 电路的中断使电灯熄灭了。

    A break in the circuit caused the lights to go out .

  27. 大火在熄灭之前毁掉了树林的一半。

    The fire had consumed half the forest away before it was stopped .

  28. 请乘客们在飞机起飞前熄灭香烟。

    Would passengers please put out cigarettes before the commencement of the flight .

  29. 断断续续闪烁几次就熄灭了。

    After a few fitful flashes it went out .

  30. 烛火摇曳着,随即熄灭了。

    The candle flame flicked and went out .