
  • 网络Coal Liquefaction;CTL
  1. 关于余胜煤炭液化基地经营决策机制的设想

    Practical Solutions to Operating and Decision Mechanism of Yusheng Coal Liquefaction Base

  2. 发展煤炭液化产业必须坚持稳步推进的原则

    Adhering to the Principia of Steady Progress for Developing Coal Liquefaction Industry

  3. 荷兰皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)今年7月表示,正考虑在中国西部的宁夏地区合资成立一家煤炭液化厂,项目总投资约50亿美元。

    Royal Dutch Shell said in July it was considering a joint-venture coal-to-liquids plant in the western Ningxia region that could cost $ 5bn .

  4. 煤炭液化技术及在平顶山市的应用前景

    The technology of coal liquidation and its application in Pingdingshan City

  5. 余胜煤炭液化基地的投资估算与财务评价

    Investment Estimation and Financial Evaluation of Yusheng Coal Liquefaction Area

  6. 煤炭液化技术在我国的应用前景

    The Application Prospect of Coal Liquefaction Technology in Our Country

  7. 煤炭液化技术的开发现状与前景分析

    Current Status and Prospect Analysis of Coal Liquefaction Technology

  8. 煤炭液化在中国的开发及商业化前景

    Development and Commercial Prospect of Coal Liquefied in China

  9. 我国煤炭液化技术产业化前景展望

    Prospects for industrialization of coal liquefaction technology in China

  10. 南非煤炭液化技术考察

    Investigation on the coal liquefaction techniques of South Africa

  11. 构建余胜煤炭液化项目经营机制方案

    Making management mechanism for Yusheng Coal Liquefaction Project

  12. 煤炭液化技术的发展与商业前景

    Development and Commercial Prospect of Coal Liquefaction

  13. 煤炭液化基础研究的进展

    Progress of Basic Research on Coal Liquefaction

  14. 试论榆神煤炭液化性能及拟建液化厂的外部环境

    Review on Coal Liquefied Function and The Outer Environment of Liquefied Plant in Yulin and Shenmu

  15. 煤炭液化工艺技术已发展成熟,投入商业化是今后的发展方向;

    The coal direct liquefaction process may put into commercial production due to its ripe technology .

  16. 煤炭液化生产液体燃料油是替代石油的重要能源之一。

    Liquid fuel produced through coal liquefaction is one of the important alternative energies for oil .

  17. 煤炭液化技术及其发展现状

    Coal liquefaction and development status

  18. 背景材料:煤炭液化技术的发展

    Development of coal liquefaction technology

  19. 从社会效益与经济效益分析,煤炭液化前景看好;

    The foreground of coal direct liquefaction is good based on the analysis of social and economic benefit .

  20. 榆神煤炭液化项目是在加快我国西部开发、缓解我国二十一世纪石油危机的一个特大型重化工基地项目。

    Yushen coal liquefaction project 's investment is a mega-project which can resolve China 's energy source crisis .

  21. 柴油机进气加热燃用煤炭液化燃料的研究(一)

    A study on combustion of liquified coal in diesel engine with inlet heating method ( Part I )

  22. 随着科技的进步,竞争的日益加剧,使组织成为灵活的、开放的、具有快速反应能力的组织是榆神煤炭液化项目成立的首要条件。

    With the progress of science and technology , the chiefly condition is to make the organization flexible and open .

  23. 为了将环流反应器引入煤炭液化领域,建立了大型环流反应器冷模试验装置。

    To introduce the loop reactor for coal liquefaction , a large-scale loop reactor cold model experimental apparatus was built .

  24. 认为榆神矿区确实具备发展煤炭液化、建设大型煤炭液化基地的资源优势。

    Conclusion arrived that superiority really possessed in Yushan mine area to develop and construct a large scale coal liquefaction basis .

  25. 介绍了煤炭液化技术在国内外的发展状况,分析了煤液化技术的经济性和环保性。

    This paper introduces development condition of coal liquefied technique . Economical and environmental benefits of the technique are also analysed .

  26. 阐明了煤炭液化产业化对平衡能源结构,解决石油短缺具有重要意义。

    Industrialization of coal liquefaction technology is very important to balance the energy mix , and resolve the lack of petroleum resource .

  27. 煤炭液化技术是生产石油替代产品的一项新型煤化工工艺技术,它主要分为直接液化和间接液化两种不同的工艺路线。

    Coal liquefaction including direct liquefaction and indirect liquefaction is a new processing technology of coal-chemical industry , which provides substitutes for petroleum products .

  28. 由于煤结构相当复杂及其可变的物理和化学性质,对发生在煤炭液化中的真实过程缺乏认识。

    A major limitation to know the real process of coal liquefaction is fairly complicated coal structure and its variable physical and chemical properties .

  29. 认为我国在发展煤制油的过程中,应重点考虑煤炭液化制油技术是否成熟、水资源是否有保障两个问题;

    During GTL development , the major two focuses should be whether the coal liquefaction technology is mature or not , whether the water resource is guaranteed or not .

  30. 煤炭液化技术是能源利用的发展趋势,笔者对4种主要直接液化工艺的工艺状况、技经指标等进行了对比,为企业选择合理的直接液化路线提供方向。

    Development tendency of energy utilization is direct coal liquefaction technology . Comparison of the process condition and technical index etc. from four main direct coal liquefaction processes was conducted .