
  • 网络Gas desulfurization;HGD
  1. 煤气脱硫与TGF高效脱硫剂

    Coal Gas Desulphurization and TGF Desulphurization Sorbent

  2. 半水煤气脱硫塔出口气H2S含量超标原因分析及处理措施探讨

    Analysis of Causes and Dealing Measures Discussion of High H_2S Content Purified Gas of Desulphurizing Tower

  3. HPF法煤气脱硫工艺生产实践中几个问题的探讨

    Discussion of Some Practical Problems in Gas Desulfurization by HPF Method

  4. 氨法HPF煤气脱硫工艺的应用与完善

    Application and Improvement on HPF Gas Desulphurization System by Ammonia Process

  5. 氨法HPF煤气脱硫装置的生产情况

    Production Situation on HPF Gas Desulphurization System of NH3 Process

  6. 氨法HPF焦炉煤气脱硫工艺的开发

    Development of Ammonia - HPF Process for COG Desulphurization

  7. 复合ZnO高温煤气脱硫剂的物相、还原及硫化行为硫铁化合物氧化历程中还原硫物质的表征和研究

    The phase , reduction & sulfidation performance of the mixed ZnO hot coal gas desulfurization sorbents study and characterization of reduced sulfur in oxidation process of ferro sulfide compounds

  8. 高温煤气脱硫是IGCC的关键技术。

    The high temperature coal gas desulfurization is regarded as a key technique in the whole IGCC process .

  9. Fe-Mn中高温煤气脱硫剂还原硫化行为研究硫酸盐还原菌的培养驯化及其脱硫性能

    Study of Reduction and Sulfidation Behavior of Iron-manganese Based Sorbents in Medium and High Temperature Coal GAS

  10. 介绍以氨为碱源的HPF法煤气脱硫的原理、工艺流程及生产的情况。

    The Principle , process and production situation of HPF gas desulphurization system based on NH3 as soda source are described in this paper .

  11. MSQ-3型脱硫催化剂在半水煤气脱硫中的应用

    Use of Type MSQ-3 Desulfurization Catalyst in Desulfurization of Semi-Water Gas

  12. VASC-SCL工艺在焦炉煤气脱硫中的应用

    The Application of the VASC-SCL Process in Desulfurization of Coking Gas

  13. 介绍了煤气脱硫装置从ADA法过渡到PDS法的生产经验,确定了单独使用PDS的脱硫工艺及改进措施。

    The production experience on transition from ADA process to PDS proc ess pertaining gas desulfurization system is described , both separate use of PDS desulfurization technology and its improvement measures are determined .

  14. 介绍了CoS催化剂脱硫技术在水煤气脱硫过程中的应用,技术经济比较表明,CoS催化剂用于水煤气脱硫更经济。

    The application of CoS desulfurizing catalyst in water gas desulfurizing process is introduced . According to the comparison in technology and economy , the CoS desulfurizing catalyst is more suitable for water gas desulfurization process .

  15. 基于煤气脱硫系统运行条件,模拟OMC法脱硫工艺过程,在小型试验台上对模拟煤气进行脱硫效率试验研究。

    Based on the typical operation conditions in the gas desulphurizing process with OMC method , this paper experimentally studies desulphurizing efficiency of simulation gas with a laboratory scale apparatus .

  16. 介绍了HPF法煤气脱硫装置在济钢焦化厂的运行情况,探讨了解决脱硫工艺中存在的问题和解决措施。

    The running situation of HPF process gas desulfurization system in Jinan Iron & Steel Group Company is described , the existing problems and solution measures existed in desulfurization process is studied .

  17. 氧化铈高温煤气脱硫剂的还原与硫化OS-1型原油硫分析仪的一些改进


  18. 通过小试,中试及工业化试生产的实验结果,证实了PDS应用在城市煤气脱硫上具有成本低、不堵塔、抗HCN中毒、无需处理废液和可脱除部分有机硫等优点。

    The result of bench scale , pilot-plant and industrial tests show that PDS process has advantages of low cost , less tower plugging , anti-poisoning of HCN , unrequirement of waste absorbent liquid treatment and partly removal of organic sulphur compounds .

  19. 介绍了宝钢三期FRC法焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰工艺流程及工艺特点,指出了该装置投产后生产中的操作要点及其存在问题。

    The process flow and feature of FRC process for COG desulfurization and cyanide removal in phase III of Bao Steel are described in this paper , the operation essentials and existing problems in the production after the commissioning of the system are pointed out .

  20. AS循环煤气脱硫碱洗段稀释水的选择

    Selection of Dilution Water during Basic-washing of AS Gas Desulphurization Process

  21. 美国热煤气脱硫吸附剂的发展现状

    The current situation of American sorbents used for hot gas desulfurization

  22. 焦化厂焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰工艺的选择

    Selection of Processes for Desulfurization and Decyanation of Coke Oven Gas

  23. 高温煤气脱硫除尘一体化工艺过程分析

    Simulation of the Combined Hot Gas Desulfurization and Dust Removal Process

  24. 用决策分析法选择煤气脱硫方案

    Selection of Gas Desulfurization Scheme by Means of Decision Analytical Method

  25. 焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰脱氨新工艺

    New Processes on Desulfurization , Decyanation and Deaminization for Coke Oven Gas

  26. 热煤气脱硫剂制备及性能研究

    Preparation and performance of the sorbents for hot gas desulphurization

  27. 半水煤气脱硫装置的设计及工艺管理

    Design and Process Control of Desulfurizing Unit for Semi-Water Gas

  28. 高温煤气脱硫技术研究进展

    The current development of gas desulfurization technologies at high temperature

  29. 热煤气脱硫台式试验研究

    Study of hot gas desulfurization on bench scale test unit

  30. 含氧气氛下氧化铁基高温煤气脱硫剂再生行为

    Regeneration of Fe_2O_3-based high temperature coal gas desulfurizer in atmosphere with oxygen