
  • Hot Dishes;Hot food;Main Course
  1. 你是做热菜还是沙拉?

    You cook the hot dishes or salad ?

  2. 荤素菜分为凉菜和热菜两种。

    For meat and vegetable dishes , there are cold dishes and hot dishes .

  3. 我懒得做热饭热菜——太麻烦了。

    I can 't be bothered making a hot meal ─ it 's too much like hard work .

  4. 可以吃到热饭热菜,不过犯人们必须自己煮。

    Hot food is available , though the prisoners have to cook it up themselves

  5. 如果单身居住,你可能不会想每天都做一顿热菜热饭。

    If you live alone , you might not want to cook a hot meal every day .

  6. 上次和肖恩吃过饭后我就一直没吃过热菜热饭。好像已经过了很久很久似的。

    I had not eaten anything hot since my last dinner with Sean . It seemed light-years away .

  7. 把盛热菜的盘子放在垫子上,免得烫坏桌子。

    Put the hot dish down on the mat , so you won 't burn the table .

  8. 在明尼苏达州长大的比特纳先生说,“热菜和汉堡帮手(HamburgerHelper)的料理包——最常见的中西部垃圾食物”,他从小吃到大。

    Raised in Minnesota , Mr. Buettner ( pronounced BYOOT-ner ) grew up eating " hotdish and Hamburger Helper - the usual Midwest crap , " he said .

  9. 喂,辣妹,你们的热菜呢?

    Hey , hot stuff . Where 's the hot stuff ?

  10. 饭桌上放在热菜底下的短腿的架子。

    A stand with short feet used under a hot dish on a table .

  11. 侍女端来一大碗热菜汤,还有酒。

    The girl brought in a big bowl of hot vegetable soup and the wine .

  12. 通常先上凉菜,后上热菜;先吃干的,后喝稀的。

    Normally cold dishes are served before hot ones , dry dishes are served before soup .

  13. 助餐时不可把冷食,热菜和点心类食物混装在一个盘子里。

    You should not mix hot food with cold food onto one plate at a buffet .

  14. 因此是与热菜烹调方法有着截然的区别。

    So the cooking method of cold dishes and hot dishes is different as black and white .

  15. 每次出去吃饭的时候,我总是冷碟热菜搭配着点餐。

    Every time I go out to eat I always order cold , and hot dishes together .

  16. 三或四种热菜,还有奶酪柜台、鸡蛋柜台、酸奶和果汁。

    Three or four choices of hot dishes , cheese counter , egg counter , yogurt , juices .

  17. 主菜是热菜,营养丰富的白菜和鱼汤&并配有多种不同的形式的馅饼。

    The main courses are heated rich and nourishing cabbage and fish soups supplemented by various forms of pasties .

  18. 如果摄像头被切换到热菜档口时,电视里就会传出几号厨师为您服务的解说词。

    If the camera was switched to the1,500 stalls , was several TV will cook for you , the commentaries .

  19. 又询问他为什么这样做,他的客人解释说,对着炖菜吹可以使热菜凉下来。

    Inquiring why he did so , his guest explained that he was blowing on the stew to cool it down .

  20. 热菜为主,一般为双数,如4个、6个、8个。

    Hot dishes are the main courses ; usually there are even numbers of hot dishes , 4 , 6 or 8 .

  21. 她表示,对冲基金经理期望每天能享受各式健康的热菜和冷盘,而且每天都要有不同的选择。

    Hedge fund managers expect a variety of healthy hot and cold dishes each day and a different selection every day , she says .

  22. 中餐上菜顺序一般为先冷菜,后汤,然后热菜、面点,最后餐后水果。

    Serving order Chinese food is generally the first cold dish , after soup , and then hot dishes , pasta , fruit last meal .

  23. 坚持服务承诺,开设病号窗口、少数民族窗口;每年冬季开展“热菜、热饭、热心肠”活动。

    Adhere to the service promise , arrange separate windows for sick people , minority ; hold " Warm Dish , Warm Rice and Warm Heart " activity in winter .

  24. 一盘热菜毛肚、两盘凉菜黄瓜和西红柿,一盘馒头和“两碗”西瓜“汤”。

    One hot dish of Marinated Pork Tripe , two cold dishes of cucumber and tomato , one dish of steamed bread and two " bowls " of watermelon'soup ' .

  25. 典型的宴席包括了:四道开胃菜,如:冷盘或热菜;六到八道主菜;然后有一道辛辣的菜肴或甜点。

    A typical banquet has four appetizer dishes , such as cold cuts or hot ones ; six to eight main dishes ; then one savory snack - type dish and a dessert .

  26. 一个月后,这项计划顺利实施,孩子们吃上了热饭、热菜,喝上热汤,临睡前有了一盆热洗脚水。

    One month later , the project was carried out and children there were able to eat warm meals , drink warm soup and get hot water to wash their feet before sleep .

  27. 在一项由英国政府支持的大学入学准备计划中,第六学级(中学最高的两个年级)的学生将接受是否能做五个热菜以及多久换一次床单等方面的测试。

    Sixth formers are to be quizzed on whether they can cook five hot meals and how often they should change their sheets , as part of a Government-backed scheme to prepare them for university .

  28. 所有建筑师都必须为住宅设计两个厨房:一个是带有光滑台面和灶面的西式厨房,可供烹制清淡的菜肴和待客,另外还有一间“热菜”厨房,也就是中式厨房,用于煎炸烹炒和斩切肉类。

    All of the architects had to design two kitchens for each home : a Western kitchen with sleek countertops and stovetops for light cooking and entertaining , and a ' hot ' or Chinese kitchen , for deep-frying and butchering meat .