
  • 网络tropical waters
  1. 美洲沿海热带水域中长有大眼睛和硬鳞的红色鱼。

    Red fishes of American coastal tropical waters having very large eyes and rough scales .

  2. 类似鲱的以浮油生物为食的小鱼类,经常罐装整个鱼或鱼酱;世界各地的热带水域中颇多。

    Small herring-like plankton-feeding fishes often canned whole or as paste ; abundant in tropical waters worldwide .

  3. 东半球热带水域长有嵌入式细鳞的几种鱼。

    Any of several New World tropical fishes having tiny embedded scales .

  4. 体重可达400磅;产于世界各地的热带水域。

    May reach 400 pounds ; worldwide in tropics .

  5. 这样的邂逅经常发生在热带水域,尤其是墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛海岸。

    Those encounters more frequently occur in tropical waters , particularly off the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico .

  6. 大型贪吃的水栖爬行动物,长嘴、大鳄,身体覆盖有甲状皮肤;产于流速缓慢的热带水域。

    Large voracious aquatic reptile having a long snout with massive jaws and a body covered with bony plates ; of sluggish tropical waters .

  7. 最大的鲨鱼科;世界各地都有,尤其是在热带水域;背鳍无刺;包含鼬鲨和油翅鲨的真鲨科。

    Largest family of living sharks ; found worldwide esp. in tropical waters ; dorsal fin lacks spines : requiem sharks including tiger sharks and soupfin sharks .

  8. 每两到七年,当环绕太平洋热带水域的盛行信风减弱时,就会出现厄尔尼诺现象。

    The El Nino phenomenon occurs every two to seven years , when the prevailing trade winds that circulate surface water in the tropical Pacific start to weaken .

  9. 夏威夷的渔民、科学家和政府官员们正质疑这款喷气飞行器的安全性,并为这个游戏项目将对州内繁忙热带水域内生活的鱼群和珊瑚造成怎样的影响表示担忧。

    Fisherman , scientists and state officials in Hawaii are now questioning the safety of the jetpacks , and are concerned about how they may affect fish and coral in the state 's heavily trafficked tropical waters .

  10. 普遍生活在世界各地温带及热带沿海水域的鲨鱼;身体沉重并(对人才)有危险。

    A most common shark in temperate and tropical coastal waters worldwide ; heavy-bodied and dangerous .

  11. 温带和热带沿海水域中重要的深水食用和猎用鱼;广布于世界各地。

    Important deep-bodied food and sport fish of warm and tropical coastal waters ; found worldwide .

  12. 温带和热带沿海水域中大型色暗的海生无鳞鳗鱼;有一些可以食用。

    Large somber-colored scaleless marine eel found in temperate and tropical coastal waters ; some used for food .

  13. 产于非洲和亚洲的热带沿海水域;靠强壮的胸鳍可以在陆地上移动。

    Found in tropical coastal regions of Africa and Asia ; able to move on land on strong pectoral fins .

  14. 麦奎因的时装秀在式样上不像古姿那么咄咄逼人,其灵感来自他穿越印度的旅行,他从科钦的热带死水水域,一直走到了乌代浦和加德满都。

    Less aggressive than Gucci 's in its styling , the show was inspired by McQueen 's voyage across India , from tropical Cochin backwaters to Udaipur and Kathmandu .

  15. 一项同类调查中规模最大的新全球研究发现,居住在热带海洋开阔水域的物种数量自1955年来减少了约一半。

    A new global study – the largest of its kind – has found that since 1955 , open-water species declined by about half in tropical oceans .

  16. 比较细长的蓝色鲨鱼;几乎分布在世界各地的热带和温带水域。

    Relatively slender blue-gray shark ; nearly worldwide in tropical and temperate waters .

  17. 多是体色鲜艳的无鳞底栖海生小鱼;产于欧洲和美洲的热带和温带水域。

    Small often brightly colored scaleless marine bottom-dwellers ; found in tropical and warm-temperate waters of Europe and america .

  18. 黄鳍金枪鱼通常是群居性鱼类,生活于热带及亚热带水域,在地中海及黑海等封闭性水域中鲜有它们的身影。

    They tend to school strongly and can be found in the open tropical or subtropical waters of oceans , though they avoid the more closed environments of the Mediterranean and Black Seas .

  19. 热带或次热带水域大型活跃鱼类的单型科;梭鱼。

    Monotypic family of large active fishes of tropical and subtropical waters : barracuda .

  20. 海马栖息在世界各地的热带和温带沿海水域,这些鱼类有个独特的功能,是地球上唯一由雄性孕育未出生幼仔的动物。

    Seahorses are among the only animal species on Earth in which the male bears the unborn young , a unique trait in these fish that inhabit tropical and temperate coastal waters worldwide .

  21. 海南地处热带,属于热带季风气候,水域资源辽阔,全年暖热,雨量充沛,藻种繁多,气候条件适宜藻类生长。

    Hainan is located in the tropics , a tropical monsoon climate , the vast water resources , the annual warmed , abundant rainfall , the algae is so much variety , climatic conditions suitable for algal growth .