
  • 网络alarm;Fire Alarm
  1. NestProtect是一款家用火灾报警器,如果房间里有烟雾或一氧化碳,它会报警并告知它们的源头。

    Nest Protect is a home fire alarm that will tell you if there 's smoke or CO in your house and where it 's coming from .

  2. 模糊算法在智能火灾报警器中的应用

    The application of fuzzy algorithm in intelligent fire alarm

  3. 有自动火灾报警器保护的区域在ole自动区段中不允许域定义

    Space protected by automatic fire alar Field definition not allowed In OLE automation section

  4. 实验室专用智能定时控制火灾报警器

    Time Adjustable Smoked Fire Alerter Used Specially in Laboratory

  5. 远程通信规程和协议的是火灾报警器远程监控系统控制软件的核心。

    Communication regulations and protocols are the keys to the remote control system .

  6. 火灾报警器光源位置的修正

    The Correction of the Fire Alarm Light-source Location

  7. 火灾报警器电子电路设计;

    Electronic circuit design of fire detection devices .

  8. 本文讲述一种火灾报警器电源设计。

    This paper introduces a design of one power sup - ply of fire annunciator .

  9. 光敏电阻在火灾报警器中的应用

    Applications of Photosensitive Resistance in Fire Autoalarm

  10. 日本火灾报警器工业协会

    Association of Fire Alarms of Japa

  11. 火灾报警器电源

    The power supply of fire annunciator

  12. 通过该系统可实现对不同厂家的火灾报警器的远程监控。

    By using the remote control system of fire alarm systems which is manufactured by others could realize .

  13. ~(241)Am感烟式火灾报警器在国内外已被广泛应用。

    ~ ( 241 ) Am smoke detector has been widely used to protect the people and their property from fire disaster .

  14. 实际应用表明,这种以现代通讯和网络传输技术为基础的远程火灾报警器,可以缩短火灾报警时间,有效发挥消防设施作用,迅速扑灭火灾,为火灾远程报警提供了一种实用的联网技术方案。

    The device can decrease warning time and help to bring fire fighting facilities into full play , which offered a pragmatic network technique for long-distance fire disaster warning .

  15. 研究了火焰变化发展规律,设计了火焰识别的算法,在此基础上独立开发了火灾报警器。

    The change law of the flame is studied ; besides , the flame identification algorithm was designed . On this basis , a fire alarm was developed independently .

  16. 别的不说,大楼现在已经出现大面积漏水现象,水泥多处脱落,管道破裂,蒸汽阀门爆裂,输电设备失灵,火灾报警器不准。

    Among other things , the buildings are experiencing major leaks , falling concrete , cracked pipes , exploding steam valves , electrical feeder failures and inaccurate fire alarm signals .

  17. 并重点讨论了光纤光栅感温火灾报警器及光纤光栅感温火灾报警系统、光纤光栅应变传感器、光纤液位计、光纤气体探测器等危险环境光纤检测技术的主要设备。

    Key instrument of optic fiber monitoring technology in dangerous environment is discussed , including fiber grating temperature sensing fire alarm and its system , fiber grating strain sensors , fiber liquid level meters and fiber gas detectors .

  18. 单片机控制的火灾自动报警器

    An automatic fire alarm controlled by the single-chip microcomputer

  19. 独立式感烟火灾探测报警器技术浅析

    Technology Analysis for Individual Smoke Fire Detection Alarms

  20. 多功能火灾自动报警器

    Multi-function automatic fire alarm

  21. 详细介绍了电气火灾监控报警器和电气火灾监控设备的构成及功能。

    The structure and function of electric fire monitor and alarm detector and electric fire monitoring device were introduced in detail .