
  1. 她说,联合国的这一文化组织之所以没有投票宣布威尼斯成为世界濒危遗产地,主要原因是联合国教科文组织已经变得“极度政治化了,会有一些幕后谈判。

    She says the main reason the U.N. cultural organization didn 't vote to declare Venice a World Heritage Site In Danger is because UNESCO has become " intensely politicized.There would have been some back-room negotiations . "

  2. 2014年,联合国教科文组织给了意大利两年的时间来管理威尼斯繁荣的旅游业,否则这个城市将被列入另一个名单——世界濒危遗产,加入被叙利亚战争摧毁的阿勒颇和巴尔米拉等遗址的行列。

    In 2014 , UNESCO gave Italy two years to manage Venice 's flourishing tourism or the city would be placed on another list — World Heritage In Danger , joining such sites as Aleppo and Palmyra , destroyed by the war in Syria .

  3. 然而最近,联合国教科文组织把它列入了世界濒危遗产名录。

    Recently , however , UNESCO added the islands to its World Heritage in Danger list .

  4. 在威尼斯,圣马克钟楼并非是惟一的濒危文化遗产。

    The tower is not the only architectural treasure in Venice under threat .

  5. 而濒危档案文献遗产即濒临消失的档案文献遗产,其具有最为急迫的保护需求。可见,对濒危档案文献遗产保护策略的研究具有很强的理论和实践意义。

    The endangered archives documentary inheritances mean the archives in imminent vanishing or thorough damage , which have the most urgent demand to be protected .