
  • 网络australian economy;Economy of Australia
  1. 政府用更具有针对性的职业清单替换掉现行移民职业清单(SOL),是为了更好地满足澳大利亚经济中长期发展对技术人才的需求。

    The government is replacing the current Skilled Occupation List ( SOL ) with a more targeted list of occupations to better meet the medium and long-term future skill needs of the Australian economy .

  2. 这对澳大利亚经济的发展贡献了极大的力量。

    The benefits flowing back to the Australian economy are enormous .

  3. 该报告作者罗斯•J•摩尔(RossJ.Moore)是高力国际负责市场和经济研究的高级副总裁。他表示,澳大利亚经济迅猛发展和货币大幅升值是停车成本上升的主要推动力。

    Australia 's booming economy and surging currency are the primary drivers of these costs , according to the report 's author , Ross J. Moore , senior vice president for market and economic research at Colliers .

  4. 预期澳大利亚经济不会衰退。

    Australia 's economy is not expected to go into recession .

  5. 澳大利亚经济遭遇有记录以来最严重的季度下滑。

    Australia 's economy has suffered its sharpest quarterly drop on record .

  6. 经济全球化中的澳大利亚经济发展趋势

    Trends of Australian Economic Development in the Economic Globalization

  7. 服务业&澳大利亚经济的重要支柱

    Tertiary Industry is Australia 's Backbone Economy

  8. 但澳大利亚经济也存在弱点。

    There are weaknesses , though .

  9. 澳大利亚经济需要加快建筑、旅游和农业的多元化增长。

    What the Australian economy needs is diversified growth in construction , tourism and agriculture to pick up .

  10. 全球金融动荡下的澳大利亚经济与金融&兼论当地中资银行的应对策略

    The Economy and Finance Status of Australia Under Global Financial Crisis & The Counter-measures of Chinese Banks in Australia

  11. 战后澳大利亚经济本土化是战后澳大利亚民族国家的独立性不断加强在经济领域里的表现。

    The localization of post-war Australian economy demonstrated the independence of Australian nationalities and their ever-increasing power in the economic arena .

  12. 埃文斯说,随着澳大利亚经济放缓,必须削减外来移民人数。

    Chris Evans says , with the Australian economy slowing , the number of foreigners allowed into the country must be cut .

  13. 在眼下澳大利亚经济越来越依赖中国这样的国家的时候,从来源看其人口构成正越来越亚洲化。

    Australia 's population is becoming more Asian in origin at a time when its economy has grown dependent on countries like China .

  14. 在美国即将步入衰退,欧洲担心经济疲弱之际,澳大利亚经济已进入持续增长的第17个年头。

    While the US heads for recession and Europe frets about economic weakness , Australia has entered its 17th year of uninterrupted growth .

  15. 陆克文总理声称这一财政预算方案会为“澳大利亚经济长远实现最伟大现代化”打下基础。

    Mr Rudd claims the budget lays the foundation for the " greatest modernisation of the Australian economy in a long time " .

  16. 新的移民职业清单更具有针对性,目的就是为了满足澳大利亚经济中长期发展的需求。

    The new SOL will have a more targeted list of occupations designed to meet the medium to long-term needs of the Australian economy .

  17. 此外,一些潜在障碍可能会在今年一年里对澳大利亚经济造成负面影响。

    And there are a couple of potential roadblocks which could have negative repercussions on the Australian economy over the course of the year .

  18. 这是自2011年第一季度以来,澳大利亚经济增速最低值,而且增量部分几乎完全来自矿业。

    Not only is this the slowest pace of growth since the first quarter of 2011 , nearly all of the increase came from mining .

  19. 虽然中国人的攻击看起来有些暴躁和忙乱,但在这波旨在控制澳大利亚经济高度的攻击中,阴谋论者似乎嗅到了一丝国家主使的气息。

    But , though the Chinese onslaught looks fractious and pell-mell , conspiracy theorists smell a state-driven attack on the commanding heights of Australia 's economy .

  20. 摘要在经济全球化进程中,澳大利亚经济经历了亚洲金融危机的冲击,保持了经济持续稳步的增长。

    In the process of economic globalization , Australian economy experienced the shock of Asian financial crisis , but has maintained a steadily sustained economic growth .

  21. 澳大利亚经济发展稳健,居民消费能力强,是诸多白色家电厂商争夺的重要市场之一。

    Australia is a developed country with sound economic development and strong consumption capacity . Australia attracts lots of white goods manufacturers to compete in its market .

  22. 在澳大利亚经济不断走弱和失业率日益攀升的背景下,当海军无疑会变得更有吸引力,这大概会纾缓该国征兵之忧。

    A weakening Australian economy and rising unemployment would , no doubt , make the Navy a more attractive career option , perhaps easing its recruitment worries .

  23. 他表示,短期而言外资流入对澳大利亚经济是个利好,但如果中国买家突然想撤资,就可能变成一个风险。

    He said the inflow of foreign money was a short-term boon for the economy but could become a risk if Chinese buyers suddenly wanted to withdraw .

  24. 一些批评人士指出,中国大举进入澳大利亚经济的关键领域威胁到了该国的国家安全。

    Some critics have argued that a major Chinese presence in such a key sector of Australia 's economy posed a threat to the nation 's national security .

  25. 澳大利亚经济已连续增长了16年,这种强劲的表现,以及高于美国的利率水平,也有助于吸引那些寻求更高回报的投资者。

    The robustness of the Australian economy , in its 16th year of consecutive growth , and interest rates above those in the US – have also helped attract investors searching for higher returns .

  26. 虽然在社会上这些问题可能引起争议,但我认为高级部长们都充分认识到外国投资对澳大利亚经济的未来至关重要,他在接受采访时表示。

    Although those things can be controversial in the community generally I think there is a good understanding from our senior ministers that foreign investment is crucial to Australia 's economic future , he said in an interview .

  27. 但在不远的将来,澳大利亚经济的其他板块如零售、建筑等将必须接过接力棒,为矿产行业不可避免将会出现的失业人潮提供工作岗位。

    But at some stage in the near future other parts of the Australian economy , such as retail and construction , will need to pick up the slack and provide the jobs that will inevitably be lost in mining .

  28. 仲量联行称,在强劲的大宗商品需求推动下,澳大利亚经济也在飙升,今年上半年澳大利亚商业房地产交易额达60亿美元,紧随其后的是新加坡,交易额达40亿美元。

    Australia , with its economy surging on the back of strong commodities demand , saw $ 6bn in commercial real estate transactions during the first half of the year , followed by Singapore with $ 4bn , says Jones Lang LaSalle .

  29. 近期的投资规模(特别是液化天然气领域的投资)将缓冲矿业投资热退潮对澳大利亚经济造成的冲击,并让企业获得喘息空间,以等待大宗商品价格反弹、债务市场降低门槛、以及全球经济前景的改善。

    The scale of recent investment , particularly in the liquefied natural gas sector , will cushion the impact on the economy and give companies breathing space to see if commodity prices rebound , debt markets open wider , and the global outlook improves .

  30. 其次是对可行性的分析,认为澳大利亚经济发达,居民可自由支配收入和时间多,政治稳定,同中国邦交良好,且人口集中在东南部沿海城市,便于营销宣传活动的开展。

    This was followed by a feasibility analysis that Australia has advanced economy , high disposable income and time , political stability , good diplomatic relations with China , and the population is concentrated in the south-eastern coastal cities , which facilitates the marketing campaign .