
  1. 原则上,澳大利亚储备银行可以改变其通胀目标,忽视矿业发达的西澳大利亚州(或许还包括北地)的价格。

    In principle the RBA could change its inflation target , ignoring prices in the mining state of Western Australia and perhaps the Northern Territory .

  2. 金融危机期间澳大利亚储备银行公开市场操作及启示

    Open market operations by Reserve Bank of Australia amid global financial crisis and its inspiration to China

  3. 此外,据澳大利亚储备银行发布的最新数据显示,信用卡债务完全没有要减少的迹象。

    And the alarming new statistics released by the Reserve Bank of Australia found our record credit card blowout is far from slowing down .

  4. 澳大利亚储备银行在其月度董事会议上的这份决议符合市场的预期,即澳大利亚经济并不马上需要增加低廉的贷款,以增加促进力量。

    The Reserve Bank of Australia 's decision at its monthly board meeting met market expectations that the Australian economy does not immediately need the added boost of cheaper credit .

  5. 对澳大利亚储备银行2年期有价证券月度利率数据进行建模,最终拟合效果图显示模型拟合很成功。

    In the last we give a fitting model of the Reserve Bank of Australia 2-year monthly rate securities examples of data . The final fitting result diagram show the model fits successfully .

  6. 对银行来说这种情况最终可通过类似澳大利亚储备银行这样的“最后贷款人”提供流动资金来调节。

    And the way in which this is reconciled for a bank is ultimately , say the Reserve Bank of Australia can provide liquidity , has a lender of the last resort role .

  7. 澳大利亚联邦储备银行(rba)行长伊恩麦克法兰(ianmacfarlane)昨日表示,即使油价进一步大幅攀升,全球经济也不会面临严重的通货膨胀问题。

    The world economy will not face a serious inflation problem even if there is a further significant increase in the price of oil , the governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia said yesterday .