
  • 网络I Can't Get No;The Rolling Stone
  1. 像滚石乐队(rollingstones)这样贪婪的老年人应该离开舞台,让一些新人吸引聚光灯的注意毕竟,他们最好的歌曲《paintitblack》是46年前录制的。

    Greedy sexagenarians such as the rolling stones should leave the stage and let some newcomers grab the limelight after all , their best song , paint it black , was recorded 46 years ago .

  2. 我一个月买3张CD左右,他说道,并展示了他的六张新唱片,包括滚石乐队(RollingStones)的经典专辑《主街流放》(ExileonMainSt.)和一些最新的日本流行金曲。

    I buy around three CDs a month , he said , showing off a haul of six new albums , including the Rolling Stones ' classic Exile on Main St. and an assortment of the latest Japanese pop hits .

  3. 他们翻唱了滚石乐队的一首老歌。

    They 've covered an old Rolling Stones number .

  4. 这支单曲是滚石乐队的一首老歌的翻唱。

    The single is a cover of an old Rolling Stones song .

  5. 上周日,波以尔在英伦选秀节目theXFactor中演唱了自己在新专辑中翻唱滚石乐队的WildHorses。

    Boyle launched her album with a performance on The X Factor on Sunday during which she sang her version of The Rolling Stones song Wild Horses .

  6. 充满传奇色彩的滚石乐队周一晚上在芝加哥联合中心举办了演唱会,乡村音乐巨星泰勒斯威夫特作为特邀嘉宾,和乐队主唱贾格尔一起动人地合唱了1965年的永恒经典《AsTearsGoBy》。

    The country superstar was the surprise guest of the legendary rockers ' concert at Chicago 's United Center Monday night , joining Mick Jagger for a touching duet of the Stones ' timeless 1965 classic As Tears Go By .

  7. 保罗·特伦卡(PaulTrynka)的传记《布莱恩·琼斯:滚石乐队的缔造》(BrianJones:TheMakingoftheRollingStones)挑战了对于乐队事件中通常以贾格尔和理查兹为中心出发的看法,关注更微小的事件。

    Paul Trynka 's biography " Brian Jones : The Making of the Rolling Stones " challenges the standard version of events , focused on Mr. Jagger and Mr. Richards , in favor of something far more nuanced .

  8. 紧张万分的时刻:原美国前总统克林顿以及滚石乐队主唱MickJagger(米克·贾格尔)结伴观看比赛,他们的表情为什么那么严肃呢?原来美国队正1球落后呢。好家伙!

    Tense Times : The former US President and his rockstar companion watch nervously as the USA goes a goal down

  9. 已经十分精通多址传播主干网的STD乐队就跃入同一个音乐流,在滚石乐队前后进行演出,这使人们意识到他们才是第一支进行网上现场直播的乐队。

    Already well versed in M-bone , STD jumped on the same stream and played before and after the Rolling Stones , a move that garnered them recognition as the first band to play live online .

  10. 布莱恩·琼斯之于滚石乐队就像列夫·托洛茨基(LeonTrotsky)之于俄国革命:组织者、思想家和权力斗争的牺牲品。

    Brian Jones is to the Rolling Stones what Leon Trotsky was to the Russian Revolution : organizer , ideologist and victim of a power struggle .

  11. 泰勒采取了同Jay-Z和滚石乐队一样的策略:演唱会开始之前,在主要市场拔高票价并且限量发售。

    Swift is using a strategy deployed by Jay-Z and bands like The Rolling Stones -- price tickets high and have seats available on the primary market up until the day of show .

  12. “伦敦粉丝”今年在伦敦举办各种大型活动,包括纪念莎士比亚逝世400周年,还有滚石乐队的首次主题展览EXHIBITIONISM。

    Fans of London celebrates the blockbuster events taking place across the capital this year , including the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare 's legacy , and the first ever exhibition on the Rolling Stones , EXHIBITIONISM .

  13. 傲慢无理、打架斗殴的滚石乐队成员要求革命。

    The Rolling Stones , arrogant street-fighting men , demanded revolution .

  14. 最后奉献给大家一首由英国的滚石乐队演唱的歌曲。

    We leave you with a song by Britain 's Rolling Stones .

  15. 然后,我们可以在香港滚石乐队。

    Then we can be the Hong Kong Rolling Stones .

  16. 1962年,滚石乐队第一次演出。

    The Rolling Stones performed for the first time in nineteen sixty-two .

  17. 今晚能在音乐会上观看“滚石乐队”的表演。

    Tonight you can see " the rolling stone " in concert .

  18. 我打算买一张滚石乐队的光碟。

    I have in mind a Rolling Stones CD .

  19. 你在招待整个“滚石乐队”

    you were hosting the " Rolling Stones . "

  20. 滚石乐队是我最喜欢的乐队。

    The Rolling Stones is my favourite group .

  21. 滚石乐队成立于1962年,至今依然活跃于音乐舞台之上。

    The Rolling Stones was formed in 1962 and has been playing ever since .

  22. 啊,我最爱滚石乐队了,你不介意借我听一听吧?

    Hey , I love The Rolling Stones , you mind if I borrow this please ?

  23. 有些流行音乐团体,特别是滚石乐队,并个只是供娱乐。

    Some pop groups , in particular the Rolling Stones , did more than just entertain .

  24. 京晶:说到经典摇滚,我更是滚石乐队的粉丝吧。

    I 'm more of a Rolling Stones fan , when it comes to classic rock .

  25. 你不能跟我们去听音乐会,真是可惜。你知道还有谁喜欢滚石乐队吗?

    Rolling Stones concert ? OK , never mind what I said earlier , I 'm going .

  26. 滚石乐队的歌手米克杰格以前曾是一家精神病医院的护工。

    Singer Mick Jagger from the band The Rolling Stones was once a porter at a mental hospital .

  27. 另一方面,甲壳虫乐队所获得的格莱美奖比猫王和滚石乐队加在一起获得的格莱美奖还要多。

    On the other hand , the Beatles have won more Grammys than Elvis and the Rolling Stones combined .

  28. 著名的夜猫子包括奥巴马总统、查尔斯达尔文、温斯顿丘吉尔、滚石乐队吉他手基斯理查德和猫王埃尔维斯普雷斯利。

    Famous night owls include President Obama , Charles Darwin , Winston Churchill , Keith Richards and Elvis Presley .

  29. 说实话,齐柏林飞艇乐队和滚石乐队究竟谁该排在第二位,让人很是左右为难。

    To be honest , it was actually a toss between Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones for second place .

  30. 五月份,滚石乐队曾向特朗普提出停止在竞选活动中播放其音乐的要求。

    In May , he faced demands by the Rolling Stones to stop playing their music at his campaign events .