
ɡǔn chū qu
  • Get out!;get out of here;roll out;Scram
  1. 你给我闭嘴,要不然就滚出去!

    You can shut up or get out !

  2. 你们别待在我家里,通通给我滚出去!

    Get out of my house , the lot of you !

  3. “滚出去!”她狂怒地命令道。

    ' Get out ! ' she ordered in a frenzy

  4. 滚出去!

    Get out of here !

  5. 他弯下腰小声说:“哦,呃…呃…,罗斯小姐,呃…他说要我今晚从牛津滚出去。”OxfordUniversity表示牛津大学。也可以说成UniversityofOxford,简称Oxen。

    He bent and whispered to her , " Well , er ? er ? Miss Rose , er ? He told me to get clean away from Oxford this very evening ! "

  6. 滚出去,永远也别来了。

    Get out and do n 't ever come back here .

  7. 那一直是你的弱点,滚出去!

    That 's always been your weakness . - get out !

  8. 喂,滚出去,都早上了!

    Hey , get the hell out ! It 's morning !

  9. 把牌放下,然后滚出去。

    You put those down , and you get out .

  10. “滚出去吧,”说着又去推他。

    " Get out of here ," and he shoved him again .

  11. 滚出去,她咬紧牙关说道。

    " Get out of here ," she said through clenched teeth .

  12. 从我的桌子上下来,滚出去!

    Get your butt off my desk and get out !

  13. 你这个卑鄙的家伙,从我家滚出去。

    You vile creature , get out of my house .

  14. 滚出去!你以为你在哪儿?

    Get out of here ! Where do you think you are ?

  15. 不过你最好快点滚出去,朋友。

    But you better get the hell out of here , friend .

  16. 臀部保持抬起,腿伸直将球滚出去。

    Keeping hips up , straighten leg to roll ball back out .

  17. 我们想要什么?-毒贩滚出去!

    What do we want ? - Pushers out !

  18. 我们昨晚谈过了,现在滚出去

    We talked last night . Now get out .

  19. 立刻从我家滚出去。

    Get out of my house right now .

  20. 我不管,滚出去。卢克。

    Whatever , just get out , Luke .

  21. 从我办公室滚出去!

    Get the hell out of my office !

  22. 马上从我的房子里滚出去。

    Get out of my house now .

  23. 丹吉尔,你打一拳要不然就滚出去

    Danger , you throw a punch or get the hell out of this gym .

  24. 我才不信你所说的,滚出去。

    You 're bluffing , get out .

  25. 为什么你不滚出去,回到你床上去呢。

    Why don 't you get out of here and go back to your bed .

  26. 滚出去!大清早就撞见魔鬼了。

    Get out ! It 's too early in the morning to look on the devil .

  27. 在我揪住你的耳朵把你扔出去之前我建议你自己滚出去!

    I suggest you git out of here before I throw you out on your ear !

  28. “滚出去!”富人家的仆人叫道,“不要来骚扰我们。”

    " Get out !" The servant said ," Do not come to disturb us . "

  29. 是,给我滚出去。

    What do you wanna do ? Sean : Yeah , get the fuck outta here .

  30. 滚出去,连同你疲倦的身躯,臭烘烘的袜子,透新的书。

    Get out of here with your exhausted body , smelly stockings , and fresh books .