
huá tiě lú
  • Waterloo
滑铁卢[huá tiě lú]
  1. 他在滑铁卢战役中阵亡。

    He met his end at the Battle of Waterloo .

  2. 火车从滑铁卢站出发,途中会在阿什福德站停靠上人。

    Trains will operate from Waterloo with a pick-up stop at Ashford .

  3. 欧洲最近成了美国高尔夫运动员的滑铁卢。

    Europe has been the graveyard for American golfers recently .

  4. 他在滑铁卢车站当上了一名检票员。

    He became a ticket collector at Waterloo Station .

  5. 坐在开往滑铁卢的火车上,我觉得自己好像正踏上一趟冒险旅程。

    On the train up to Waterloo , I felt like I was going on an adventure .

  6. 滑铁卢战役的战场遗址在比利时。

    The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium .

  7. 这座房子是滑铁卢战役纪念馆。

    The building is a commemoration of the battle of Waterloo .

  8. 滑铁卢战役是在比利时的小城镇滑铁卢附近打响的。

    The battle of Waterloo was fought near the Belgian village of waterloo .

  9. LauraMiddleton是多伦多新宁研究院(SunnybrookResearchInstitute)和加拿大滑铁卢大学的研究人员。

    Laura Middleton is a researcher at the Sunnybrook Research Institute and the University of Waterloo in Canada .

  10. 这个东西很可能就是“艾伦侦查器”,滑铁卢艾伦实验室研制出的一款新商品,它事实上是一台会飞的照相机(camera)。

    It might just be the Aeryon Scout , a new product from Aeryon Labs of Waterloo that is actually a flying camera .

  11. 黑莓手机由加拿大滑铁卢的RIM公司制造。

    Research in Motion , or RIM , based in Waterloo , Canada , makes BlackBerry communications s.

  12. 有关柯达的大多数描述都是标准版的《四眼天鸡》(ChickenLittle):天要蹋了;美国梦破灭了;又一家优秀公司遭遇滑铁卢。

    Most of the Kodak conversation has been standard issue chicken little : the sky is falling ; the American dream is dead ; another classic company has bitten the dust .

  13. 始终未能画完那副弥漫烟雾的《泰晤士河上的滑铁卢桥》(ThamesAboveWaterlooBridge)的草图,因为根本就没有买家。

    J.M.W. Turner never finished his rendering of the smoke-swathed " Thames Above Waterloo Bridge " because it lacked a buyer .

  14. 许多公司领导人在接受了政府紧急救助的公司里都遭遇了滑铁卢,梅奥普洛斯是少数几位脱颖而出的《财富》500强(Fortune500)CEO之一。

    Mayopoulos is one of several Fortune 500 CEOs to emerge on the scene in what has been a series of leadership fiascos at companies that took bailouts .

  15. ②12月上旬的昆都士战役,成了阿富汗塔里班政权的滑铁卢(Waterloo)。

    The battle of Kunduz , in early December , was the Waterloo of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan .

  16. 大家都知道拿破仑的最后一战是滑铁卢战役(theBattleofWaterloo),也就是他最终被击败的那场战役。

    Many people know well that Napoleon 's final defeat , the one that was said to finally break him , was the Battle of Waterloo .

  17. 刘氏本人从加拿大的滑铁卢大学(universityofwaterloo)获工科学位后,于20世纪70年代从其父手上接过吊扇厂,之后他转向贸易行业发展。

    Armed with a science degree from the University of Windsor in Canada , Lau inherited a fan-making business from his father in the 1970s , then branched out into trading .

  18. 伦敦很少允许美景牵绊其发展的脚步,滑铁卢桥(waterloobridge)清晨时分的景色仍是最具震撼力和活力的城市景色之一。

    It has rarely allowed beauty to hold it back , and the view from Waterloo Bridge at twilight remains one of the most impressive and dynamic of urban panoramas .

  19. 然而,GiltTaste的滑铁卢的确表明,在线销售食品与兜售名牌手袋完全不同,而理解这些差异至关重要。

    It is a sign , though , that selling food online is different than peddling designer handbags , and understanding those differences is key to success .

  20. 最终,一艘带有镀金船首的游艇朝向滑铁卢桥(waterloobridge)驶来:当天的皇家游艇thespiritofchartwell。

    Eventually , a river cruiser with a gilded bow headed towards our perch on Waterloo Bridge : the spirit of Chartwell , Royal barge for the day .

  21. 在英国,曾经有一种说法是,滑铁卢(Waterloo)和整个帝国都建立在伊顿公学(Eton)的操场上。

    In England , it was once said that Waterloo and the empire were built on the playing fields of Eton .

  22. 继债务评级遭下调,牵头承销的Facebook公司IPO遭遇滑铁卢等一系列令人失望的事件后,高文的CEO职位一度岌岌可危。

    The CEO seemed to be on the ropes following a string of disappointments for the firm , including a debt downgrade and the Facebook IPO fiasco , on which Morgan was the lead underwriter .

  23. 他们的技术团队曾经在伦敦肖迪奇(Shoreditch)的“硅谷环岛”(SiliconRoundabout)办公,但是如今搬到了距离那里几英里的滑铁卢(伦敦地名——译者注)。

    The techies used to be based in London 's " Silicon Roundabout " in Shoreditch , but have now moved a few miles to Waterloo .

  24. 后来我还去比利时的滑铁卢工作过。那是强生公司(JohnsonJohnson)欧洲总部所在地。我在那里负责强生公司医疗器械业务的技术方案管理。

    And later I accepted the opportunity to work in Waterloo , Belgium , the European headquarters for Johnson Johnson , where I managed technology solutions for J & J 's medical devices sector .

  25. 与其它智能手机生产商不同,RIM运行自己的数据网络,借助三个网络运行中心处理它的无线电子邮件系统:一个位于英国伦敦附近的斯劳,另外两个位于加拿大安大略省的滑铁卢。

    Unlike other smartphone makers , RIM operates its own data network including three network operations centres for its wireless email system : the one in Slough and two in Waterloo , Ontario .

  26. 宋鸿兵在书中称,罗斯柴尔德(rothschild)银行帝国对货币发行的控制,是从滑铁卢(waterloo)战役以来一些看似不相关事件的根本起因。

    According to Mr Song , the control of money issuance by the Rothschild Banking Dynasty is the underlying cause of seemingly unrelated happenings from the battle of Waterloo on .

  27. 这本书是他2007年畅销书的续作。在前一本书中,他把滑铁卢战役、希特勒上台和亚洲金融危机,都归咎于罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)银行业王朝。

    His book is a sequel to a 2007 best-seller which put the blame for the battle of Waterloo , the rise of Hitler and the Asian financial crisis on the Rothschild banking dynasty .

  28. 安大略省滑铁卢市如今是初创企业的温床,有着蓬勃发展的科技产业,但1984年的时候绝非如此,当时两位工程专业学生迈克•拉扎里迪斯(MikeLazaridis)和道格拉斯•弗雷金(DouglasFregin)创立了RIM公司(ResearchinMotion)。

    Waterloo , Ontario is now a hotbed of start-ups and a thriving technology industry , but that was far from the case in 1984 , when Research In Motion was founded by two engineering students , Mike Lazaridis and Douglas Fregin .

  29. 伟大的历史事件造就了收藏价值很高的报纸:伦敦大火、卡洛登战役(battleofculloden)、滑铁卢战役和特拉法尔加(trafalgar)海战、美国内战的主要战役。

    Great historic events make for highly collectable newspapers : the great fire of London , the battle of Culloden , the battles of Waterloo and Trafalgar , the major battles of the American Civil War .

  30. 两年前,加拿大滑铁卢大学IgorGrossmann博士的研究显示情况的确如此。

    A study two years ago in North America , by Igor Grossmann of the University of Waterloo , in Canada , suggested that it is .