
zhēng zhēng
  • Ding Ding;clang;tinkle;clank;jingle
丁丁 [dīng dīng]
  • [jingle;tinkle] 形容伐木、下棋、弹琴等声音

  • 伐木丁丁。--《诗.小雅.伐木》

丁丁[zhēng zhēng]
  1. 碟子碗碰得丁丁当当的。

    The dishes and bowls slid together with a clatter .

  2. 伐木丁丁。

    Clang , clang goes the woodman 's axe .

  3. 他把两张卡片钉在一块,就像这些,而且贴了他最喜欢的人物贴纸丁丁(漫画人物,职业是记者)在卡片上。

    He 'd gone and stapled50 two cards , very like these , together , and put a sticker of his favorite character , Tintin , on the front .

  4. 艾尔热工作室内部的历史学家查尔斯•德瑞克(CharlesDierick)说,丁丁的关键之处是他具有一个“小国之民”的思维方式。

    The key to Tintin is that he has the mindset of " someone born in a small country ", says Charles Dierick , in-house historian at the Herge Studios .

  5. 安德鲁•马隆(AndreMalraux)是一个法国作家和政治家,他声称戴高乐将军称丁丁为自己的唯一国际对手,因为他们俩人都是以在恶霸面前挺身而出而着名的。

    Andre Malraux , a French writer and politician , claimed that General de Gaulle called Tintin his " only international rival ", because both were famous for standing up to bullies .

  6. 许多中国人现在还收藏有这些黑白画面的丁丁书籍。

    Many Chinese still keep collections of these black-and-white Tintin books .

  7. 你的手镯丁丁当当,泡沫从你坛中溢出。

    Your bracelets were jingling , and foam brimming over the jar .

  8. 他看起来不可思议,像是“丁丁”和杜鲁门两个形象的混合。

    He looks uncannily like a hybrid of Tintin and Harry s.truman .

  9. 讲故事者:从那以后,丁丁、东东和龙龙一起努力干活。

    Storyteller : Since then , Ding-Ding and Dong-Dong work hard with Long-Long .

  10. 丁丁,你看!那边两只小兔子在吃草哪。

    Dingding , look ! There are two rabbits eating grass over there .

  11. 漫画对不那么狂热的“丁丁迷”也是一个重要的回忆,其销量达到了一亿册。

    For less obsessive fans , the books are still an important memory .

  12. 阿道克船长是主人公丁丁最好的朋友,他是一个身价亿万的航海商人、船长。

    He is Tintin 's best friend , a multi-millionaire seafaring Merchant Marine Captain .

  13. 在丁丁眼中,中国是一个积贫积弱,却又十分值得同情和帮助的东方古国;

    For Herge , China was a country in shambles deserving help and sympathy ;

  14. 一点印第安纳琼斯,一点丁丁,还有那么一点点地狱男孩。

    A little bit Indiana Jones , a little bit Tintin and a little bit Hellboy .

  15. 我叫丁丁,我八岁了。

    I am eight years old .

  16. 自从比利时卡通画家埃尔热1929年创造出了丁丁这个角色,75年来丁丁一直被人们所喜爱。

    Tintin has been popular for75 years , ever since Belgian cartoonist Herge invented the character in1929 .

  17. 不管你多么的怀疑狗是否能表达情感,任丁丁确实可以。

    No matter how skeptical you might be about whether a dog could convey emotion , he really does .

  18. 任何在20世纪90年代当过学生的人都知道丁丁、迪西、拉拉和小波是谁。

    Anyone who was a student during the1990 's knows who tinkywinky , Dipsy , Lala and Po are .

  19. 这个情节比任何事都能让我明白为什么人们喜爱任丁丁。

    It was the scene that more than almost anything made me understand why people love Rin Tin Tin .

  20. 咦,那只小狗狗在吃肉骨头呢。丁丁,我饿了,你呢?

    Yo-ho , that dog is eating the bone . Dingding . I 'm hungry , what about you ?

  21. 使它们发出丁丁当当的声音。“那是什么?”饭店老板问。

    so that they made a jingling noise . " What was that ? " asked the restaurant owner .

  22. 上周,一部讲述比利时少年记者丁丁历险故事的新电影在欧洲地区上映。

    A new film about the adventures of Tintin , the Belgian boy reporter , opens across Europe this week .

  23. 这恰恰是对丁丁的精确描述。丁丁,一位在战后的欧洲取得非凡成就的比利时男孩记者。

    That is a pretty accurate description of Tintin , the Belgian boy reporter who enjoyed spectacular success in post-war Europe .

  24. 小铃铛丁丁当当地响,农夫把拐弯处才发现山羊不见了,就开始寻找。

    Local small bells ring when Ding-Ding , the farmer found the cornering the goats are gone , and start looking for .

  25. 从丁丁探索异域并与不同人们打交道这一方面,你可能会形容他是个多元文化的倡导者。

    In the way Tintin explores foreign lands and engages with people , you might describe him as an exponent of multiculturalism .

  26. 大红和金色的绶带前后摆动,亮闪闪的军刀碰撞着雪亮的长统靴,马刺丁丁当当地响着。

    Scarlet and gold sashes swung to and fro , sabers glittered and banged against shining boots , spurs rattled and jingled .

  27. 在每册书中,丁丁都在忠诚的小狗白雪的陪伴下,开始冒险之旅,这对搭档的足迹遍布全世界。

    In each volume Tintin , accompanied by his faithful dog Snowy , has adventures that take the pair all over the world .

  28. 在中国有几家丁丁迷俱乐部,他们已经在北京,上海,广州,南京和武汉为丁丁举行了生日派队。

    There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin in Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou , Nanjing and Wuhan .

  29. 有一个场景是任丁丁被农场主追捕,它在平原上奔跑简直就像射出的子弹一样。

    There 's a scene where he is being pursued by the ranchers , and he is simply just shooting like a bullet across the plains .

  30. 而他最有名的作品莫过于1830年左右创作的《巨浪下的神户川》了,从丁丁书到茶杯上都可见这部巨作的影子。

    His most famous , since reproduced on everything from Tintin books to tea cups , is " Beneath the Wave off Kanagawa , " painted around 1830 .