
  • 网络solvent refining;solvent extraction
  1. 一种提高润滑油溶剂精制过程效率的有效方法

    A method to improve efficiency of solvent extraction processing of lube oils

  2. 本文对国内外润滑油溶剂精制装置的能耗现状进行了调查研究和分析。

    Abstract The energy consumption of solvent extraction processes for lube oil production in domestic and foreign refineries has been analysed .

  3. 典型溶剂精制煤(SRC)的组成和结构&Ⅲ.极性馏份的结构分析

    Composition and structure of some typical solvent refined coals & ⅲ structural analyses of polar fractions

  4. 润滑油NMP溶剂精制的工业应用

    The application of n - methyl-pyrrolidone in lubricant solvent refining

  5. 润滑油馏分油加助剂NMP溶剂精制

    NMP Additive Assistant Refining Lubricated Fraction Oil

  6. 通过实验证明,KT液溶剂精制工艺能生产出橡胶用油,其副产物抽余油可作为催化裂化原料。

    Tests show that rubber oil can be obtained with KT solvent refining , and the by-product can be used as catalytic cracking stock .

  7. S-SBR装置湿溶剂精制塔的设计及特性

    Property and Design of Moisture Solvent Refining Column on S-SBR Unit

  8. 考察了FH-98催化剂对酸性溶剂精制后的FCC柴油低压加氢精制的影响。

    The effect of low pressure hydrogenation refining with FH-98 catalyst on FCC diesel oil after refining by acid solvent was examined .

  9. 研究了溶聚丁苯橡胶(S-SBR)装置湿溶剂精制塔的精制效果与不同因素之间的关系。

    The relation between different factors and refining effects of moisture solvent refining column on S-SBR unit was investigated in this paper .

  10. 用乙醇、糠醛、N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP)在不同剂油比、不同温度下对废润滑油中的润滑油馏分进行溶剂精制。

    Under the condition of different solvent to oil ratios and different temperature , the solvent of ethanol , furfural and N-methyl-pyrrolidone ( NMP ) were used for refining lubricating oil .

  11. 比较了溶剂精制油、加氢油和合成油所调制的轿车用发动机油(PCMO)各项性能。

    The various performances of PCMO formulated from solvent refined oil , hydrogenated base oil and PAO were compared .

  12. 研究表明,NMP溶剂精制馏分油无论剂油比还是抽提温度均远远低于糠醛,说明NMP用于润滑油精制具有良好的溶解能力和选择性。

    5 , the ratio of either solvent to oil or extraction temperature , are lower than furfural 's , indicating that the NMP has good dissolving ability and selectivity in refining lube stock .

  13. 说明了纯NMP具有良好的溶解能力及选择性,也说明了可用含水量为1%的NMP代替纯NMP进行溶剂精制的原因。

    The study showed that the pure NMP had good dissolving ability and selectivity , pointing that the reasons that the NMP containing 1 percent water could replace the pure NMP in solvent refining .

  14. 中型试验结果表明,采用高压加氢处理、溶剂精制-中压加氢处理技术,配以溶剂脱蜡可以制取氧化安定性好的HVI润滑油基础油;

    The results showed that HVI lube base oils with good oxidization stability could be prepared by high pressure hydrotreating or solvent refining medium pressure hydrotreating along with solvent dewaxing .

  15. 因此,应提高高粘度指数(HVI)基础油的比例,并选用溶剂精制与加氢处理相结合的方法由中间基原油生产HVI基础油。

    So the proportion of high viscosity index ( HVI ) base oil should be increased , and the method of combining solvent refining and hydrotreating should be applied to produce HVI base oil from intermediate base crude oil .

  16. 用双溶剂精制润滑油馏分

    Extraction of lubricating oil fraction by using two kinds of solvents

  17. 复合填料在润滑油溶剂精制萃取塔中的应用

    Application of complex packing in extraction tower of lube solvent refining

  18. 催化柴油溶剂精制工艺副产黑油的利用

    Utilization of Black Oil from Solvent Refining of Catalytic Diesel Oil

  19. 润滑油溶剂精制助剂技术的研究进展

    Progress on Solvent Refining Adding Assistants Extraction Technology for Lube Oil

  20. 润滑油溶剂精制过程中助溶剂的应用

    Application of the auxiliary solvent in solvent extraction process of lube oil

  21. 润滑油原料溶剂精制技术的发展

    The Development of Solvent Refining Technology for Raw Material of Lubricant Oil

  22. 焦化蜡油溶剂精制油的加氢裂化工艺研究

    Study on hydrocracking of solvent extraction raffinate from Coker Gatch

  23. 生产润滑油基础油溶剂精制工艺条件的研究

    Study on the Solvent Refining Technique to Produce HVI Lubricating Base Oil

  24. 溶剂精制装置挖潜增效可采用的措施

    Available measures for increasing benefit in solvent refining unit

  25. 润滑油双溶剂精制的实验成果

    Experiment Result of Refining Lubricating Oil by Double Solvents

  26. 润滑油溶剂精制装置能耗分析与节能途径的探讨

    Analysis of energy consumption of lube oil extraction process and ways of improvement

  27. 均匀设计法确定润滑油溶剂精制的最佳工艺条件

    Determining the optimal process conditions of lube stock solvent refining by uniform design

  28. 介绍了废润滑油溶剂精制工艺过程。

    The used oil solvent refining process was presented .

  29. 溶剂精制系统先进控制和优化

    Development and Application of Advanced Control in Solvent-refining System

  30. 润滑油双溶剂精制工艺研究

    Study on DI-SOLVENT process for lube oil refining