
Features of Waterfowls Community and the Foraging Habitat Selection of Black Stork ( Ciconia Nigra ) in Pingshan Wetlands , Hebei Province
In the past 20 years since Deyang City was established , many endangered water birds have been rescued , but the resources of water birds on the wetland in this city are still unknown .
In the paper , we discussed the community characteristics of waterfowls in Pingshan wetlands , Hebei Province on the basis of survey from March 2003 to June 2005 . Meanwhile , we also analyzed the foraging habitat selection of Black stork ( Ciconia nigra ) by using multivariate statistics .
Feeding Habits and Migrating Patterns of Wetland Water Birds in Shandong
Water Bird Resources on the Wetland in Deyang City and Their Protective Measures
The Water Birds and Their Ecology Distribution along the Lower Reaches of Tumen River
Present Situation and Strategy of Protection of Water Bird Resources in Jiaozhou Bay Wetland in Qingdao
Water birds on the wetland are an important component of the wetland ecosystem , playing a very important role in maintaining the wetland ecosystem .
Egret is a kind of widely distributed wetland water bird . Due to its high demands on the environment , it is an important indicator species of environmental quality .
The Survey of the fauna composition and ecological distribution of waterfowl of Leizhou Peninsula was conducted from Oct. , 1998 to Jun. , 2000 . The results showed : 56 species of water birds were recorded , which belong to 7 orders , 9 families , in Leizhou Peninsula .
Rapid Investigation on Winter Aquatic Birds in Partial Wetland of Honghe Prefecture
Preliminary Study on Investigation of Winter Water Bird Resoures in Typical Wetlands of Henan Province
The migration peaks mainly occurred in spring or fall for the four species of waterfowls .
The winter water bird resources were surveyed in typical wetlands of Henan province from December 1997 to May 1998 by the combination of water surface cruise and bank plot observation .
Sparkling lake , wetlands grass , waterfowl Elique and Swan goose fly to south , as a natural landscape of the region .
The dynamical simulation of the effects of human activities on species diversity : A case study of the effects of human-caused habitat destruction on waterfowls ' species diversity in Honghu wetland
Finally , Proposed to strengthen management the Xinghua Bay wetland , establish wetland park or establish regulatory regions of high tide . Community must to be educated on Wildlife conservation , in order to avoid threatening the survival of the birds .