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  • 网络Sarus crane;Grus antigone
  1. 项目在5000英亩的复垦湿地范围内建立了赤颈鹤保护区,同时富美地区的村民也因该项目重新振兴了当地经济,高棉人的收入因此增加了两倍多。

    The project has given the cranes a protected home in5,000 acres of reclaimed wetlands and the villagers of Phu My a reinvigorated economy that has tripled incomes of the Khmer ethnic minority .

  2. 以前,200个农户用收割的蓑衣草(赤颈鹤食物)生产低附加值地垫,现在他们转而生产高附加值手提包和帽子,向进入胡志明市的游客出售。

    Instead of producing low-value floor mats from the Lepironia sedge they harvest ( and the cranes feed on ), 200 families now craft high-value handbags and hats for the tourist trade in Ho Chi Minh City .