- 网络Hunan dark tea

Chapter ⅵ proposed the marketing strategies of Hunan dark tea based on the 4P marketing theory .
Chapter ⅳ established the Factor analysis model to make an empirical analysis on consumers ' purchasing behavior in Hunan dark tea .
Chapter ⅲ analyzed the current situation of Hunan dark tea industry based on the SWOT matrix and Five Competitive Forces model , with the data from survey .
Chapter ⅴ analyzed the consumers ' buying inclination on Hunan dark tea under two different conditions with the Logistic Regression model .
Recently , consumption of dark tea has become a fashion , thus increasing the demand of dark tea , which is a great opportunity for Hunan dark tea industry .
Hunan dark tea has a long history with rich cultural heritage , unique processing technology , and excellent quality , but dark tea was sold to the border for a long time .