
  • Hunan Province
  1. 湖南省的省会是长沙。

    Changsha is the provincial capital of hunan .

  2. 中部地区包括山西、安徽、江西、河南、湖北以及湖南省。

    China 's central region includes the provinces of Shanxi , Anhui , Jiangxi , Henan , Hubei and Hunan .

  3. 李小姐在湖南省的一家养猪场长大,她嘲笑祖父母及父母吝啬的生活方式。

    Raised on a hog farm in Hunan Province , she laughs off the penurious ways of her parents and grandparents .

  4. 位于湖南省洞庭湖畔的岳阳楼在5天假期期间共卖出22000多个岳阳楼形状的冰棍。

    Yueyang Tower , a tourist magnet perching along the Dongting Lake in Hunan province , said it sold more than 22000 ice pops in the shape of the ancient building during the five-day holiday .

  5. 湖南省日本血吸虫DNA多态性的研究

    Studies on Polymorphism in the DNA Fragments of Schistosoma Japonicum from Hunan Province

  6. 湖南省中药材GAP基地土壤的肥力测定

    Determination of soil fertility in Chinese medicinal material gap bases in Hunan

  7. GIS支持下的湖南省生态环境质量综合评价

    Eco-Environmental Synthetic Evaluation Based on GIS Tecnology in Hunan Province

  8. GIS支持下的湖南省地质灾害气象预警系统建设探讨

    Construction of the geological hazard meteorological warning system in Hunan Province supported by GIS

  9. 湖南省大学生AIDS知识态度行为调查分析

    AIDS related KAP among university students in Hunan Province

  10. 基于GIS的湖南省国土资源遥感综合调查信息系统设计与实现

    System Design and Development Based on GIS to Information System of Remote Sensing Integrated Survey about Land Resources in Human Province

  11. 基于AHP对生态脆弱性的灰色综合评价方法&以湖南省临湘市为例江淮分水岭生态脆弱性特征及对策研究

    Studies on Gray Assessment Method and AHP for Ecological Frangibility & A Case Study in Linxiang City , Hunan Province

  12. 基于PLS的湖南省电力消费影响因素分析

    Empirical Analysis of Impact Factors of Electricity Power Consumption in Hunan Province Based on PLS

  13. 引进外资30年来,湖南省FDI总量不断增长,对产业结构的影响也越来越大。

    Fetching in foreign investment for 30 years , FDI increasing steadily in Hunan province , meanwhile , existing more and more influences on industrial structure .

  14. 采用典型相关分析方法对湖南省大庸市某村75例精神发育迟滞(MR)患者和152名正常人的手部皮纹特征进行了研究。

    The dermatoglyphic features of 75 cases with Mental Retardation ( MR ) and 152 persons with normal intelligence in a village of Dayong city of Hunan province were studied with canonical correlation analysis .

  15. 基于GIS的湖南省国土资源信息系统是一个数据来源于遥感综合调查并可动态更新的运行系统。

    The GIS based information system of land resources in Hunan province is an operable system in which data are derived from remote sensing integrated survey and can be updated dynamically .

  16. 对自1997年至今每2a进行一次的湖南省科技期刊审读评级的情况作了总结、分析。

    The results of the biyearly perusal and grading among science and technology periodicals in Hunan Province since 1997 are analyzed and summarized .

  17. 采用ELISA对湖南省规模猪场送检的953份血清进行了猪瘟抗体的检测,对305个病例(场次)进行了猪瘟抗原的检测。

    It was carried on the swine fever antibody examination of 953 serums and the swine fever antigen examination of 305 cases ( farms ) by ELISA on the Hunan Province scale pig farms .

  18. 论会计中介组织的竞争战略&基于湖南省CPA行业调查的研究提高会计中介机构监管成效的研究

    The study On Competitive Strategy of Accounting Intermediary Organization & Based on Investigation Research of CPA Industry in HuNan Province The Improvement of Supervision Effect of Accounting Intermediary Organizations

  19. 本平台基于模块化设计思想,以湖南省SCADA系统Oracle数据库为数据源,将平台设计为自动接口平台和变电站负荷特性分类模块两个模块。

    This application platform data Sources of Oracle Database SCADA system in Hunan province based on modular design consists of automatic Interface platform and load characteristics classification module of substation .

  20. 方法在湖南省浏阳市8月~6岁风疹血清HI抗体阴性儿童中,进行了连续5年的冻干风疹减毒活疫苗免疫后血清学效果研究。

    Methods A 5-year research on immunity duration of the lyophilized , attenuated live rubella vaccine was conducted in the children aged 8 months to 6 years in Liuyang City of Hunan Province .

  21. 湖南省220kV及以上变电站接地网安全性评价

    Safety evaluation for grounding grid of substation on 220 kV or above in Hunan province

  22. 再此就出上建立的VAR模型是稳定的、恰当的,之后的脉冲分析显示,湖南省房地价格的变化对居民消费产生的促进作用是长期的。

    This again is to establish VAR model is stable , the right , after the pulse analysis showed , Hunan province and the real estate price changes of household consumption , stimulative effect is long-term .

  23. 对湖南省部分城市不同建筑类型室内的空气动力学当量直径小于等于10μm的可吸入悬浮颗粒物(PM10)室内外浓度进行了测试。

    Indoor and outdoor concentrations of particulate less than 10 μ m ( PM10 ) were investigated in some cities in Hunan .

  24. 本文受湖南省社会科学基金(02ZC20)资助。

    The paper is supported by Social and Science Fund of Hunan Province ( 02ZC20 ) .

  25. 按照一定的原则构建了一套评价世界遗产地旅游整体发展水平的指标体系,并运用层次分析法(AHP)对一个具体的世界遗产案例&湖南省武陵源进行分析和评价。

    According to certain principle , the author sets up an index system of appraising the development ability of the heritage site tourism , using Application level analysis ( AHP ) to a specific case & the World Heritage Site Wulingyuan , Hunan Province included analysis and evaluation .

  26. 湖南省溆浦县境内金锑资源较为丰富,存在有3条沿NE向展布的含金或金锑矿化带,属雪峰山金锑钨成矿带的一部分。

    There are plenty of Au Sb resources in Xupu County , Hunan Province where there are three Au bearing or Au ( Sb ) bearing mineralizing belt s stretching in NE direction , belonging to a part of Xuefeng mountain Au Sb W mineralizing belt .

  27. 意义和创新1、掌握湖南省肺结核发病率的时空分布情况,应用ARIMA数学模型对湖南省肺结核发病率进行了预测,为湖南省确定重点预防和控制区域,合理分配卫生资源提供借鉴。

    Analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution of the TB incidence in Hunan province , predicted the TB incidence by ARIMA mathematical model . Found the focus region which needs to be controlled and prevented , so provide a reference to allocate the health resources rationally . 2 .

  28. 水稻温敏型核不育系139S于2003年2月通过了湖南省农作物品种审定委员会审定,具有应用价值。

    The temperature sensitive genie male-sterile rice 139S was firstly accredited by Examining and Approving committee of cultivar of Hunan , in Feburary 2003 and this cultivar is applicable in field cropping .

  29. 本文报道了近年来发现于我国湖南省和贵州省的一种新毒菌,经鉴定是叶状耳盘菌Cordieritesfrondosa(Kobay.)

    In this paper , a poisonous fungus new to China is reported . It was collected in Hunan and Guizhou Provinces respectively in 1984 and 1986 . The scientific name of the fungus is Cordierites frondosa ( Kobay . )

  30. 湖南省城乡5~16岁儿童瑞文测验智力水平分析

    Analysis of intelligence in 5-16 years old children in Hunan province