  • swim;rove around;wander;travel
  • roving;itinerant
  • part of a river;reach
  • 人或动物在水里行动:~泳。~水。

  • 不固定:~资。~走。~牧。~行。~学(古指离开本乡到外地或外国求学)。~击。~弋。~离。~子(离家久居外乡的人)。

  • 河流的一段:上~。中~。下~。

  • 交往,来往:交~。

  • 从容地行走:周~。~历。~逛。~兴(xìng)。~记。~说(shuō)。~山玩水。

  • 姓。


(人或动物在水里行动) swim:

  • 游过一条河

    swim across [over] a river;

  • 游回岸边

    swim back to the shore;

  • 你能潜游吗?

    Can you swim under the water?

  • 他们游泳游了一个下午。

    They swam all afternoon.

  • 鱼在 水里游来游去。

    The fish swim about in the water.


(各处从容地行走; 闲逛) rove around; wander; travel; tour:

  • 周游世界

    travel round the world; go on a world tour;

  • 他游遍了法国。

    He travelled France from end to end.


[书] (交游; 来往) associate with:

  • 交游甚广

    have a wide circle of acquaintances


(不固定的;经常移动的) roving; itinerant:

  • 游民



(江河的一段) part of a river; reach:

  • 上[下, 中]游

    the upper [lower, middle] reaches (of a river)


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 游远

    You Yuan

  1. 海洋哺乳动物一般顺水而游。

    Marine mammals generally swim with the current .

  2. 我游了泳,凉快凉快。

    I had a swim to cool down .

  3. 示威游行者被强行带到当地的警察局。

    The demonstrators were carted off to the local police station .

  4. 这是美国以外最大的主题游乐园。

    It 's the biggest theme park outside the United States .

  5. 咱们去游泳池游会儿泳吧。

    Let 's go for a quick swim in the pool .

  6. 他乘独木舟游完尼罗河的全程。

    He travelled the length of the Nile in a canoe .

  7. 特等奖是二人巴黎周末游。

    The star prize is a weekend for two in Paris .

  8. 游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。

    The amusement park is open daily from May to October inclusive .

  9. 她在北美游牧民中生活了十年。

    For ten years she dwelled among the nomads of North America .

  10. 悉尼是世界上的必游城市之一。

    Sydney is one of the world 's must-see cities .

  11. 他逆着急流游向岸边。

    He swam to the shore against a strong current .

  12. 到地中海航游是度过漫长寒冬的绝妙办法。

    A Mediterranean cruise was the perfect antidote to a long cold winter .

  13. 我们早饭前去游一会儿泳吧。

    Let 's go for a dip before breakfast .

  14. 游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。

    The amusement park is open May through October .

  15. 六十年代中期,他也赶时髦到印度一游。

    In the mid 60s he took the almost obligatory trip to India .

  16. 他们看着游泳的人扑通扑通溅着水花游过去。

    They watched the swimmers splashing through the water .

  17. 游行者沿着街道缓缓行进。

    The marchers proceeded slowly along the street .

  18. 鸭子在河面上游来游去。

    Ducks were swimming around on the river .

  19. 他们游遍了全世界。

    They 've travelled all over the world .

  20. 科学家们感到不解:为什么这头鲸游到海岸上来。

    Scientists are puzzled as to why the whale had swum to the shore .

  21. 孩子们在游泳池里哗哗地游来游去。

    Children were sploshing about in the pool .

  22. 一群鱼游了过去。

    A shoal of fish swam past .

  23. 我设法游到安全处。

    I managed to swim to safety .

  24. 他每天游50个游泳池那么长的距离。

    He swims 50 lengths a day .

  25. 你在游泳池里横向能游几个来回?

    How many widths can you swim ?

  26. 我们去游个泳吧。

    Let 's go for a swim .

  27. 我转身向海里又游了几下。

    I turned and swam a few strokes further out to sea

  28. 她童年的经历不同寻常,其间她和父亲游遍了欧洲。

    She spent an unorthodox girlhood travelling with her father throughout Europe

  29. 一周去健身房锻炼两次,或游两次泳。

    Work out at a gym or swim twice a week .

  30. 所有的乘客那天一开始就先游了个泳。

    All of the passengers started the day with a swim .