
  • 网络f-cao;CaO;f-mgO
  1. 本文研究了水温与水泥中游离氧化钙(f-CaO)水化膨胀速度、水泥胶砂强度和混凝土强度的相互关系;

    In this paper , the relationships between water temperature for managing specimens and hydration expansion rate of f-CaO in cement , cement mortar strength and concrete strength have been studied .

  2. 同时,掺加CaF2能有效降低熟料中游离氧化钙的含量,促进阿利特在低温条件下形成。

    The results also show that CaF2 can effectively reduce the content of f-CaO and accelerate the formation of Alite in the lower temperature .

  3. 因此,乙二醇结合TG法可以测定钢渣中真实的游离氧化钙的含量,准确率在95%以上。

    Results indicated that the real content of free calcium oxide in the steel slag can be measured by glycol-TG method and its precision was more than 95 % .

  4. 设计了18个熟料组成并分别在1350℃,1400℃,1450℃和1500℃下进行煅烧,对所得熟料作游离氧化钙及X射线衍射测试。

    18 clinker compositions were designed and burned at 1350 ℃, 1400 ℃, 1450 ℃ and 1500 ℃ . The resultant clinker was analyzed of the content of free lime , and X-ray diffraction analysis was done .

  5. 借助化学分析测定了水泥熟料中游离氧化钙(f-CaO)的含量,用X射线衍射(XRD)分析了熟料矿物组成,采用差热分析(DSC)研究了矿物形成过程。

    The f-CaO content , mineral composite and formation process of mineral in the clinker were analyzed respectively by chemical analysis , X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) .

  6. 铅锌渣能够显著改善生料易烧性,降低液相出现温度,促进游离氧化钙(f-CaO)吸收和硅酸盐矿物形成。

    The lead-zinc slag can also significantly improve the burnability of the raw meal , dropping liquid phase appearance temperature of clinker burning and promote the absorption of free lime ( f-CaO ) and the formation of silicate minerals .

  7. 开远小龙潭火电厂年排灰量约50×104t。由于粉煤灰中游离氧化钙(fCa0)和有害成份三氧化硫(S03)含量较高,因而在云南的坝工建设中一直得不到利用。

    The annual flyash discharge from the Xiaolongtan Thermal Power Plant is about 500,000 t , which has not been utilized properly in construction of dams in Yunnan Province due to high content of free calcium oxide ( fCa0 ) and harmful sulfur trioxide ( S03 ) in it .

  8. 游离氧化钙对水泥浆体体积膨胀的影响机制

    Effect of free CaO on the volumetric expansion of cement pastes

  9. 游离氧化钙、氧化镁连续测定的电导法研究

    Continuous Determination of Free Calcium Oxide and Magnesium Oxide by Conductometric Method

  10. 转炉渣中游离氧化钙的分布及稳定化研究

    Distribution of free-calcium oxide in converter slags and its stabilization

  11. 二次游离氧化钙测定条件

    A study on measuring method of secondary free lime

  12. 高钙粉煤灰中游离氧化钙水化动力学研究

    Study on the Hydration Kinetics of Free CaO in High Calcium Fly Ash

  13. 水泥熟料中游离氧化钙测定方法的研究

    A Study about the Determination of Free Lime in Portland Cement and Clinker

  14. 游离氧化钙对水泥性能的影响

    Influence of free CaO on cement property

  15. 硬化水泥浆体由于水泥中游离氧化钙水化常会导致体积膨胀。

    Hydration of free lime often leads to a volumetric expansion of hardened cement pastes .

  16. 钢渣具有高碱度的特点,当碱度>2时转炉渣中的氧化钙将有一部分以游离氧化钙的形式存在。

    Steel slag has high alkalinity . Over 2 of alkalinity , parts of CaO are free CaO in BOF slag .

  17. 转炉冶炼过程中所形成的游离氧化钙和方镁石是影响钢渣长期不稳定性的主要因素。

    The free calcium oxide and the periclase formed in the converter smelting process are primary factor affect the steel slag long-term unstable .

  18. 在已硬化砼中水泥安定性不合格的主要原因是水泥熟料矿物中含有过多游离氧化钙或游离氧化镁。

    The main cause leading to the disqualification of cement soundness in hardened concrete is excessive f-CaO or magnesia in the cement mixture .

  19. 京津冀接壤区土壤表土层中碳酸钙的分布规律转炉渣中游离氧化钙的分布及稳定化研究

    Study on the CaCO_3 Content Characteristics in Conterminous Region of Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei Distribution of free-calcium oxide in converter slags and its stabilization

  20. 本文通过对黑生料球在不同煅烧温度下的残余碳、失重率及游离氧化钙等的测定,对立窑黑生料球的燃烧与反应特性进行了研究。

    The Character of combustion and reaction in black meal ball is researched by measuring the residual carbon , the degree of losed weight and free Cao in different temperatures .

  21. 概述了高钙粉煤灰的基本性能,指出高钙粉煤灰中游离氧化钙带来的安定性问题和高钙粉煤灰的掺量仍是目前研究的重点;

    The essential performance of high calcium fly ash ( HCFA ) was summarized , and correlate researches of HCFA were reviewed together with a great deal of examples in this paper .

  22. 但高钙粉煤灰中游离氧化钙的晶粒较小,晶格畸变较大,因而在水泥基材料水化时产生的膨胀发展较快。

    Because the crystal dimension of free lime in fly ash with high calcium oxide is smaller and the lattice distortion is bigger , the development of expansion in hydration of this fly ash is faster .

  23. 镁钙质耐火材料以其优异的性能得到了人们的广泛关注,但镁钙材料存在最大的问题为镁钙砂的烧结和游离氧化钙的水化。

    MgO-CaO refractory has caused widespread attention because of its excellent properties . However , the biggest problem of MgO-CaO refractory is sintering of calcium magnesium clinker ( MgO-CaO clinker ) and the hydration of f-CaO .

  24. 稀土元素氧化物于0.2~2.0×10-4的微量范围内可改善水泥生料的易烧性,降低熟料中游离氧化钙含量,增加阿利特含量。

    Rare earth elements in a micro range of 0.2 ~ 2.0 × 10 - 4 are totally capable of improving the burnability of portland cement , reducing the f CaO and increasing the alite content in the clinker .

  25. 在熟科中游离氧化钙较低时,水泥比面积固定的情况下,方镁石最大允许含量与方镁石粒度之间存在着双曲线类型的函数关系。

    The relation between permissible periclase content and grain size of periclase crystals is a function of hyperbolic form under conditions that the free lime content is kept within a certain limit and the specific surface area of cement is fixed .