
  1. 如今,由于内容和新的传播平台呈爆炸式增长,渠道控制权已转到传媒消费者手中。

    Now , thanks to an explosion of content and new delivery platforms , control has shifted to consumers of media .

  2. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)总编辑詹姆斯·班内特(JamesBennet)称,使用即时文章功能发布新闻报道,意味着“失去对发行渠道的控制权”。

    James Bennet , editor in chief of The Atlantic , one of the project 's initial publications , said that publishing pieces through instant articles means " losing control over the means of your distribution . " On the other hand , he said ,

  3. 渠道中控制权的争夺日益激烈,渠道冲突及投机主义机会行为盛行。

    The increasingly fierce competition for control , channel conflict and opportunism opportunity are prevalence in Channels .

  4. 在新的渠道模式中注重保持厂家对渠道的控制权;注重对大客户及个性消费者的关注;各分公司及时了解个性消费者群体的需求;注重拓展新渠道,电子商务渠道。

    In the new model , we pay more attention to the controlling over the channel from the manufacturer ; focus on large customers and individual consumer ; all branches should be sensitive to the individual consumer groups ; focus on emerging new channels , especially the e-commerce channels .