
  1. 建材行业渠道价值优化模式探讨

    Discussion on the Optimizing Modes of the Channel Value in Construction Industries

  2. 为了提升渠道价值和培育竞争优势,营销战略会针对特殊的渠道交易伙伴进行专用性投资。

    Marketing strategy needs specificity investment for special channel partner in order to elevate value and cultivate competitive advantage .

  3. 并以海尔公司为例,对海尔的渠道价值链进行了深入的分析,并提出了设计的原则和方案。

    Taking the example of Haier Company , we have analyzed its channel value chain and proposed the design and the plan .

  4. 接着基于价值链理论对安利(中国)的商业模式进行了分析,主要从供应商价值链、企业价值链、渠道价值链和顾客价值链方面着手分析的。

    Then , it is the analysis of the business model of Amway ( China ) on account of value chain theory .

  5. 通过运用多元统计中主成分分析原理,建立了陕西航天动力公司营销渠道价值的评价模型,用来确定渠道再设计或整合的必要性及对象。

    By using principal component analysis of multi-variant statistics , the mathematic model for marketable channels assessment of Shaanxi Aerospace Power company is presented .

  6. 家电企业渠道价值链整合的各个要素对于企业市场能力、赢利能力和和顾客综合满意程度的影响有所不同。

    The household electrical appliances enterprise channel factors have different effect on the market ability , the profit ability and the average satisfaction of the customers .

  7. 渠道价值链整合要素和营销竞争力要素在不同性质、不同发展阶段和不同规模的企业上具有显著性差异。

    The aspects of the integration of the channel value chain and the marketing competence factors have significant differences in different property , different development phase and different scale enterprise .

  8. 在以涉农企业为例的情况下,渠道价值链的突出特征在于逆向渠道终端的农户特性。

    In the condition of making example of agriculture-related enterprises , a prominent feature of channel value chain is " farmers ' characteristics " at the end of a reverse channel .

  9. 构建了价值链整合模式,将企业价值链与供应商价值链、渠道价值链和顾客价值链整合起来,在整合系统中提出了增加顾客价值和降低顾客成本的策略。

    The thesis also give some strategies of increasing customer value and lowering customer cost in the integrated system which integrates the enterprises ' value , suppliers ' value chain , channel value chain and customer value chain .

  10. 本文就是将战略性新兴产业的商业模式根据价值链理论进行划分,并且将价值链延伸为产业链,提出了供应商价值链、企业基本价值链、分销渠道价值链以及客户价值链四个环节。

    This essay divided business model of strategic emerging industry based on value chain theory , and it also extend the value chain to industry chain , proposing four parts including supplier value chain , basic value chain , distribution channels and customer value chain .

  11. 他们的成功证明了HND做为接受国际教育和接触国际商业社会的方式和渠道的价值。

    Their success proves that HND is a valuable approach to getting in touch with international education and the international business world .

  12. 基于资产视角的渠道关系价值计量研究

    Channel Relationship Value Measure from the Point View of Assets

  13. 运用因素分析法建立组合无形资产结构图;借鉴运筹学多目标决策层次分析理论剥离出渠道资产价值;

    Secondly , We use factors analysis to erect structure chart of intangible assets , and analytic hierarchy process of operation research to peel off channel assets value ;

  14. 随着国内分销业的发展和变革,以及国外分销巨头如沃尔马、家乐福纷纷进军中国,越来越多的厂商开始认识到销售渠道的价值。

    With the development and change of domestic distribution enterprise and incoming foreign giant such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour , more and more manufacturers began to realize the value of marketing channel .

  15. 营销渠道中高价值客户的分析与评价研究

    Research on the Analysis and Evaluation of High Value Customer in Marketing Channel

  16. 银行互动渠道的顾客价值维度差异性分析

    The Difference Analysis of Customer 's Value Dimensions of the Bank 's Interacting Channel

  17. 很明显,中国人赋与巴基斯坦渠道以特殊价值。

    It was clear that the Chinese attached special value to the Pakistani channel .

  18. 定义一个渠道是有价值的,因为它可让您看到访问者进入及退出的转换过程。

    Defining a funnel is valuable because it allows you to see where visitors enter and exit the conversion process .

  19. 会展系统的投入使用,简化了参展流程,增加了信息来源渠道和利用价值,提升了展会品牌价值。

    The application of the system can simplify the flow of exhibition and increase the source of information , which enhance the value of exhibition brand .

  20. 第二,以德安公司为例,对环保企业盈利模式提出了渠道模式+价值链模式+产品模式的转型构想。

    Second , the paper has taken De ' an as a practical example to raise revolutionary idea of " Channel Model + Value Chain + Product Model " as the profit-model .

  21. 提出互联网渠道顾客感知价值是网上银行交叉购买意向的前因,并考察了转换成本对顾客感知价值和交叉购买意向变量关系的调节作用。

    We propose customer perceived value in internet channel is the direct antecedent of cross-buying intention . We also examine the moderator effect of switching costs in perceived value and cross-buying intention link .

  22. 通关邮寄渠道走私的物品价值大、体积小;

    These smuggling articles through international mailing channels are high value and little volume .

  23. 本研究对于企业合理选择融资渠道进而提升企业价值具有理论意义与应用价值。

    This research choose have theory meaning and using value to choosing financing channel rationally and promoting enterprise value .

  24. 但过度自信的高管是否会提高企业价值,这一心理特征又是通过什么渠道影响到企业价值的,学术界仍然没有达成一致的结论。

    However , it has not reached a conclusion , whether overconfidence would improve the firm value and how overconfidence influenced it .

  25. 接着,论证了选择差异化营销的必然性,具体提出了实现差异化营销的四个主要途径,即市场定位、服务、渠道差异化和价值链管理。

    Specifically , four major methodologies to implement the diversity marketing strategy are proposed , namely , market orientation , services , channel diversity and value chain management .

  26. 文中提到的问题在企业中带有普遍性,希望本文对钢铁行业的渠道建设具有参考价值。

    The problems mentioned in this paper are universal in this trade and I whish it will be of conference value for the construction of the channels in iron & steel industry .

  27. 研究结果表明,根据整合的机理和效果可以将影响因素分为四个方面:传播环境、消费者需求、渠道关系、渠道价值。

    The results of this study indicate that based on the integration mechanism and the effect , the influencing factors can be divided into four areas : spread environment , consumer demand , channel relationships and channel value .

  28. 银行渠道包括银行资本金渠道、资产负债表渠道和抵押品价值渠道。

    The banking system channel includes the channel of bank capital , balance sheet effect and the channel of collateral values .

  29. 所以,理论中和实务中均迫切需要建立和完善渠道资产理论与分析模型以帮助企业评价待并购公司的渠道资产价值。

    Therefore , the theory and analysis model of channels equity is urgently needed to establish and improve in both the theory and practice to help companies evaluate the value of channel equity acquired companies .

  30. 提出渠道管理的实质是教育全体渠道成员正确认识和合理享有相应的渠道价值,并激励他们全力以赴地精耕细作市场,为消费者提供优良服务。

    Proposed the channel manages the essence is educates all channel member correctly to understand and reasonably to enjoy the corresponding channel value , and drove their whole-heartedly careful and intensive cultivation market , provides the fine service for the consumer .