
  • 网络piecemeal social engineering
  1. 渐进社会工程和自然工程一样,都把目的置于技术领域之外。

    Piecemeal social engineering resembles physical engineering in regarding the ends as beyond the province of technology .

  2. 他的以证伪主义的方法和原则为基础的历史、政治哲学,批判了历史决定论,抨击了整体主义的社会变革方法,倡导渐进社会工程和开放社会。

    His political and historical philosophy , established on a means of " falsificationism " methods and principles , gods a-gainst " historicism " and " wholenessistic " way of social reformation by proposing " piecemeal social engineering " and " open socety " .

  3. 开放性的路径指向体现为向社会表达开放、向未来开放的渐进性社会工程。

    Open the path to point to reflect the expression of an open society , open to the future of progressive social engineering .