
qīnɡ suàn rén
  • liquidator;receiver;liquidation partner
  1. 许可人无力偿付债务或其破产清算人以被指定;

    Licensor becomes insolvent or a liquidator of Licensor is appointed ;

  2. 第三部分为清算人的法律规制。

    Part III , is about legal regulation of liquidator .

  3. 2007年他从mg罗孚集团旗下一家公司的清算人手中购买了这些零部件。

    He acquired the parts in 2007 from the liquidators of one of the companies in the MG Rover Group .

  4. 第四章研究清算人的资格与选任问题。

    Chapter 4 analyses the qualification and appointment of liquidators .

  5. 其中一名董事被指定为公司清算人。

    One of the company directors was appointed liquidator .

  6. 论中国破产清算人制度之重构

    On Restructure of the Chinese Insolvency Liquidator Law

  7. 破产清算人制度的若干问题

    Some Issues on the System of Bankruptcy Liquidators

  8. 但清算人有不法行为时,不在此限。

    However , unlawful conduct on the part of the liquidators shall be excepted .

  9. 商业房产经理&清算人。

    Commercial real estate manager & liquidator .

  10. 对破产清算人的监督

    On the Supervision over Bankruptcy Liquidators

  11. 清算人制度残缺不全;

    The Liquidator System is incomplete ;

  12. 但是,破产清算人可以全额支付价金,请求出卖人交付标的物。

    But the bankruptcy assignee may pay the total price and ask the seller to delivery the object matter .

  13. 清算人由法院选派者,并应呈报法院。

    Where the liquidator is appointed by the court , the report shall also be submitted to the court .

  14. 本文对公司非破产清算人法律制度问题进行分析探讨,并将我国的非破产清算人制度与国外立法相比较,以期有助于促进我国公司非破产清算制度的进步与完善。

    This article is going to analyze non-bankrupt liquidation and compare the legislations of our country with western countries .

  15. 然后清算人与债权人,清算人与葛朗台,往返磋商,拖了六个月之久。

    Then six months were spent in correspondence between the trustees and the creditors and between Grandet and trustees .

  16. 清算人要负责在切尔诺贝利地区营救幸存者和消除扩散的威胁。

    Liquidator to be in charge of the Chernobyl area to rescue survivors and the elimination of the threat of proliferation .

  17. 本章分四个部分介绍公司清算人的产生、公司清算人的性质、公司清算人职责与公司清算人的法律责任。

    This chapter divides into four parts to introduce the production , the nature , the duty and legal liability of company liquidator .

  18. 如果发行人破产,先偿付清算人和政府税,然后是高级债券,然后才是次级债券。

    In case of bankruptcy , subordinated bond holders are paid after the liquidator , government taxes , and senior bond holders are paid .

  19. 解决这一问题的最终方案是建立一支专业、中立的清算人队伍,不受公司内部人的制约。

    The final plan to solve this problem is to organize a team of professional , neutral liquidators without constraints from inside the company .

  20. 破产清算人实施多次破产分配的,应当公告本次分配的财产额和债权额。

    Where the bankruptcy assignee makes distribution for several times , it shall publicize the amount of property and creditors rights for distribution this time .

  21. 通过对破产清算人的内部监督和外部监督的论述,试图为破产清算人构建一个公平、公正、合理的监督机制。

    By discussing the internal and external supervision over bankruptcy liquidators , an attempt is made to establish a fair and square supervisory mechanism for bankruptcy liquidators .

  22. 人民法院指定破产清算人后,应当及时公告破产清算人的姓名和处理事务的地址。

    After appointing the bankruptcy assignee , the peoples court shall publicize in time the name of the bankruptcy assignee and address for dealing with business affairs .

  23. 管理人或者破产清算人应当向债务人移交财产和管理事务,并向法院提交执行职务的报告。

    The manager or the bankruptcy assignee shall deliver property and management affairs to the debtor and present a report on duty performance to the peoples court .

  24. 人民法院裁定终结破产案件的,应当通知管理人或者破产清算人终止执行职务。

    Where the peoples court decides on the conclusion of the bankrupt case , it shall notify the manager or the bankruptcy assignee to stop duty performance .

  25. 清算人违反前两项规定时,应与公司对于善意第三人连带负其责任。

    A liquidator who acts in contravention of the provision1s of the preceding two paragraphs shall be jointly liable with the company to a bona fide third party .

  26. 这些处置可能使部分业内人士感到意外,他们曾对破产清算人在动荡市场中成功处置资产的能力表示悲观。

    The disposals are likely to surprise those in the industry who had been pessimistic about the ability of liquidators to dispose of assets in volatile markets successfully .

  27. 破产清算人执行职务,应当向人民法院报告工作,并接受债权人会议和监督人的监督。

    The bankruptcy assignee shall report to the Peoples Court on its work when performing duties and be subject to supervision of the creditors conference and the supervisor .

  28. 清算人制度薄弱。文章建议,鉴于清算事务的专业性、清算人的独立性和中立性,建议我国建立职业清算人制度,实现清算人员职业化、清算活动市场化。

    Considering the speciality of liquidation affairs and the neutralism and independence of liquidator , the thesis suggests that China should establish professional liquidator system and constitute unified liquidation law .

  29. 他还证实,清算人正与调查人员合作,搜查马多夫在曼哈顿的办公室以及昆斯区一间储藏了7000箱文件的仓库。

    He also confirmed that liquidators were working with investigators in Mr Madoff 's office in Manhattan and at a warehouse in Queens , where 7,000 boxes of documents were stored .

  30. 本文认为,清算人是在公司清算期间依特定程序产生的从事清算事务的自然人或法人。

    The first chapter defines that liquidator is human or corporation appointed by certain procedure in the case of a company which is being wound up , to undertake the liquidation affairs .