
qīng chu
  • clear;clearness;understand;clarity;be clear about;distinct;lucid;put in order;cool and bright;quiet and severe
清楚 [qīng chǔ]
  • (1) [understand]∶了解

  • 我清楚他的历史

  • (2) [put in order]∶整理

  • 你把这些乱堆乱塞,倒要我们替你清楚。--《英烈传》

  • (1) [clear;distinct]∶清晰;明白;有条理

  • 言词清楚

  • (2) [cool and bright]∶清朗

  • 不随红紫争妍媚,清楚精神自一家。--《醉翁谈录》

  • (3) [quiet and severe]∶清峻严整

  • 道院清楚

清楚[qīng chu]
  1. 这种行为必须停止——我讲清楚了吧?

    This behaviour must stop ─ do I make myself clear ?

  2. 没多久便可清楚地看出,这个节目不受欢迎。

    It soon became clear that the programme was a failure .

  3. 她清楚她绝不可以被他迷住。

    She knew she must not fall prey to his charm .

  4. 他那张脸比任何言语都更清楚地表达了他的忧伤。

    His face expressed his grief more eloquently than any words .

  5. 我们站起身来以便看得更清楚。

    We stood up in order to get a better view .

  6. 那次事故以后的日子我记不大清楚了。

    I remember little of the days that followed the accident .

  7. 小孩子往往很难对付,对此我们都非常清楚。

    Children can be difficult as we know only too well .

  8. 很难解释清楚什么原因使他如此走红。

    It is difficult to define what makes him so popular .

  9. 对不起,我没听清楚你的话。

    Sorry , I didn 't quite catch what you said .

  10. 她发病两小时之后才恢复了清楚地说话的能力。

    She only became coherent again two hours after the attack .

  11. 这条船的航线清楚地标在地图上。

    The ship 's route is clearly delineated on the map .

  12. 考虑到这录音已年代久远,听起来声音还是挺清楚的。

    The recording sounds very crisp , considering its age .

  13. 这些数字清楚地表明,她的说法是错误的。

    The figures clearly show that her claims are false .

  14. 我们下一步该怎么做,再清楚不过了。

    It was screamingly obvious what we should do next .

  15. 作出这一决定的理由暂时还不清楚。

    The reasons for this decision were not immediately obvious .

  16. 他未能完全把他的意思向听众讲清楚。

    He didn 't really get his meaning over to the audience .

  17. 我不太清楚下一步该怎么办。

    I don 't quite know what to do next .

  18. 我们需要了解清楚所涉及的各种问题。

    We need a clear understanding of the problems involved .

  19. 他弄清楚我去过哪儿后勃然大怒。

    He went berserk when he found out where I 'd been .

  20. 用铅笔写的评语没有复印清楚。

    The comments in pencil haven 't photocopied very well .

  21. 骚乱清楚地表明了人们的不满情绪。

    The riots are a clear manifestation of the people 's discontent .

  22. 事故究竟是怎么发生的不是很清楚。

    It 's not clear precisely how the accident happened .

  23. 你不能走——听清楚了吗?

    You can 't go ─ do you hear me ?

  24. 她一定要查清楚到底该谁负责。

    She made it her business to find out who was responsible .

  25. 你能查清楚会议什么时候开始吗?

    Can you find out what time the meeting starts ?

  26. 他对那段河道中的暗流非常清楚。

    He knew the hidden drifts in that part of the river .

  27. 他清楚地向我说明了去那儿的路线。

    He gave me very explicit directions on how to get there .

  28. 很快就很清楚,没人会来。

    It soon became apparent that no one was going to come .

  29. 报章对事故原因并未解释清楚。

    The newspapers provided little enlightenment about the cause of the accident .

  30. 须要弄清楚,这些计划要合法。

    It should be ascertained that the plans comply with the law .