
hùn hé zǔ hé
  • Mixed combination;mixed assemblage
  1. 企业财务困境的多分类器混合组合预测

    Multiple classifiers hybrid combination for companies ' financial distress prediction

  2. 利用有限域上的加法、乘法和模加、模乘的混合组合加密数据。

    In this scheme , data are encrypted by the combination of addition / multiplication in the finite field and module addition / multiplication .

  3. 想象一下,未来每个应用开发者都可以自行创建他们自己的界面:一个各种手势,画图工具和按键的混合组合。

    Imagine a future in which every application developer has the freedom to create their own custom interface metaphor : a mix of any combination of gestures , drawing tools and buttons .

  4. 瑞信可能在未来几年中发行总额300亿美元的可转换债券,以取代混合证券组合。按照巴塞尔(Basel)委员会的新规则,混合证券不能再算作资本。

    The bank may issue as much as $ 30bn in cocos over several years to replace a portfolio of hybrid securities that will no longer qualify as capital under new Basel committee rules .

  5. 不动产项目与证券的混合投资组合模型

    Mixed Investment Model of Real Estate and Security

  6. 复合水泥混合材组合方法的研究

    Additives Grouping Study for Compound Cement

  7. 完全混合串联组合式曝气池渐减曝气设计

    Designing the Tapered Aeration Process of the Aeration Tank Combined with a Few CSAT in Series

  8. 联合云还能将私有、公共和其他的混合云组合在一起,视为一个单独产品。

    The federated cloud can bring private , public , and other hybrid clouds together , leveraging them as a single offering .

  9. 混合壳组合则代表趋于正常的深海沉积环境,反映了由强渐弱的海底水动力条件。

    The Calcareous shell assemblage was formed by turbidity flow , while the Mixed shell assemblage represented intense to weaker water dynamic condition .

  10. 采用干酪乳杆菌和玫瑰色微球菌按一定比例混合的组合发酵剂生产羊肉发酵香肠,并对其理化性质进行了研究。

    Lactobacillus casei and micrococcus roseus were used as starter culture to produce fermented sausage with mutton and studied the physico-chemistry property of sausages .

  11. 通过对并行公差优化设计的分析,将其视为一种混合变量组合优化问题。

    According to the analysis of the characteristics of concurrent tolerance optimization design , it could be regarded as the hybrid variable combinational optimization problem .

  12. 利用这一相关关系,可以大致预测新的混合用药组合的协同效应,从而为选择和设计新的药剂组合提供了一定的依据。

    The correlation can be used to predict roughly synergitic effects produced by some new reagent combinations , providing bases for choosing and designing new reagent combinations .

  13. 利用正三角坐标法也以可确定一定凝点或粘度后配比混合原油组合。

    After the pour point or viscosity de fihed , the compounding ratio of constituents of mixed crude also can be determined ' by using the regular triangle coordinate method .

  14. 混合应用程序组合了原生和Web技术的应用程序。

    A hybrid application is an application that combines native and Web technologies .

  15. 混合式或组合式滚装集装箱货船散货、矿砂、滚装三用船

    Mixed or combination container roll-onroll-off ship bulge ore-and RoRo carrier

  16. 药材组合以混合煎煮的组合方式为佳;

    The mixture is the better combination mode ;

  17. 水泥混合材优化组合方法的研究多种混合材的双掺试验研究

    Optimizing proportion of different cement additions Trial study on blending two kinds of admixtures

  18. 混合复合材料组合壳体的稳定性分析

    Stability analysis of hybride composite shells

  19. 云资源处理能力的复杂性和多层多类混合资源的组合复杂性。

    The capacity of cloud resources complexity and the combination complexity of to multi-class multi-tier hybrid resources .

  20. 通过混合角得到组合跃迁几率Ain,其结果与实验一致。

    By means of the mixing angle , the intercombination transition probabilities is obtained , its conclusion is agree with the experimental results .

  21. 对定压二程机完全混合&分层组合换气模型的修正

    A Modification to the " Fully Mixed / Layers Formed " Compound Scavenging Model in a Two-stroke Diesel Engine with Constant Pressure Charging

  22. 探讨了普通硅酸盐水泥水化机理和水泥混合材优化组合提高水泥强度的作用机理。

    The mechanism of ordinary silicate cement hydration function and the function improving the intensity of cement by optimization blending materials were discussed .

  23. 多解风向的反演是基于多层感知器网络和混合密度模型组合而成的混合密度网络,其中的核函数采用高斯函数的形式。

    The wind direction is derived using a mixture density network which is composed of multi-layer perceptron and mixture density model with Gaussian kernel functions .

  24. 同时采用非线性混合离散变量组合形的优化方法,对单级直齿圆柱齿轮减速器进行了可靠性优化计算,取得了满足可靠度要求的优化结果。

    In the meantime , the reliability optimization calculation of one-stage straight-tooth cylindrical gear decelerator by means of the optimal method of nonlinear mixed discrete variable combination is successful .

  25. 在字符识别阶段,依据课题字符先验知识,设计了一种混合几何特征组合的字符识别方法,该方法的最大优点,在于处理速度快,在均匀背景下,具有高识别率的特点。

    The character recognition method of geometric combinations was designed by prior knowledge of topics character in the character recognition stage . This method has a lot of advantages that include high processing speed and recognition rate .

  26. 混合学习模式ANN组合的研究

    Research on the Combination of ANN with Hybrid Learning Pattern

  27. Herrmann混合有限元的组合壳分析

    The Analysis of Composite shell by Using Herrmann 's Mixed Finite Element Method

  28. Bejeck在文章中试图创建混合了继承和组合关系的组件,实施分离关注点,尤其是分离视图和商业逻辑。

    In the article Bejeck is trying to create components with a mixture of inheritance and composition , and enforce separation of concerns , especially between view and business logic .

  29. 攀枝花细粒钛铁矿混合药剂浮选研究组合用药及其在氟碳铈矿浮选中的应用

    Application Research on Combined Use of Reagents in Flotation of Bastnaesite

  30. 二维混合布局问题的组合优化模型及算法

    Combinatorial Optimization Model and Algorithm for the Two-dimensional Hybrid Layout Problem