
  • 网络coeducation
  1. 位于维尔特郡的莫尔伯勒也是男女混合教育,竞争力稍弱于伊顿。

    Wiltshire-based Marlborough seeks a mixed-ability intake and is less outrightly competitive than Eton .

  2. 目前乔治在托马斯巴特西预备学校上小学,该校位于伦敦西南边,是一所男女混合教育的学校,6158英镑一学期。

    He is currently a pupil at Thomas 's Battersea , a £ 6158-a-term co-educational school in south-west London .

  3. 美国公共基础教育改革实质是在探讨公私混合教育模式、公私平衡的教育体系标准以及如何实现这些标准的问题。

    The essential of the public basic education innovation of the U.S.A isto discuss public-private mix education mode , the standards of public-private balance in education system and how to realize these standards .

  4. 本科教育大众化的今天,法学本科教育在坚持混合教育基础之上而以职业教育为重心,无疑是高校法学本科教育模式的最佳选择与发展方向。

    Nowadays the best choice and the direction of the model for the higher education in the science of law may be emphasizing the vocational education on the base of mixed education when the higher education is accepted in a popular style .

  5. 却小面积的应用,创造了一种混合的教育模式,真正意义上地重新确立和定义教室里的教学内容。

    and applying them in the small to create a blended model of education to really reinvent and reimagine what we do in the classroom .

  6. 网络教育以其灵活的时间安排、合理的教育内容以及混合的教育模式等诸多优点,加速了下一代的教育过程。

    It , in some way , accelerates the education process for next generation with its own advantages such as flexible timetable , rational contents as well as compound teaching modes .

  7. 目前混合学习在教育技术界备受关注。

    Blended learning is the focus of educational technologies at present .

  8. 面对这些挑战,现有的师范教育模式作出应对一向混合型师范教育模式发展,以主动适应并促进社会发展和教育自身的发展。

    In respond to these challenges , it is changing to a comprehensive pattern so as to fit in with and push social and educational development .

  9. 当前我国尚不具备建立混合型义务教育财政的条件,因此有必要建立独立型的义务教育财政保证机制。

    Our country does not still possess and set up the mixing type financial demand of compulsory education at present , so it is necessary to set up independent compulsory education finance to guarantee the mechanism .

  10. 第四部分:从实施混合型师范教育模式所必须的几个条件,即建立标准的教育科学课程体系、严格实施教师证书制度、进一步提高教师的待遇和地位来阐述其可行性。

    The fourth part elaborates the feasibility on the basis of the indispensable requirements in the synthetic pattern of teacher education , which are integrated , standard curriculum of educational sciences , implementing strict regulations of teacher certification and promotion of the treatment and position for teacher .

  11. 从福利教育走向混合型的多元教育体系&中国的教育福利与人力资本投资

    From the Welfare to the Mixed Plural-education System & A Probe into Chinese Welfare Education and the Investment of Human Capital

  12. 本文介绍混合学习的基本理论,并为混合学习在远程教育中的有效应用提供了实施策略。

    The article introduces the basic theories and strategies of enforcing blended learning in distance education .