
  1. 《钢筋混凝土与砌体结构》课程教改初探

    Primary Exploration of the Teaching Reform of the Course Reinforced Concrete Structure & Masonry Construction

  2. 碳纤维布加固混凝土与砌体结构施工技术比较与分析

    Comparison and analysis for construction technique of strenthening concrete and masonry structure with carbon fiber sheet

  3. 围绕工程能力培养主线,强化素质教育&《混凝土与砌体结构》的教学改革与实践

    Strengthen the quality education with emphasis on cultivation of engineering ability & Teaching reform and practice of Concrete and Masonry Structure

  4. 阐述了钢筋混凝土结构与砖砌体结构设计中如何运用整体概念的设计方法,指出只有合理选择设计方案、有效控制结构的抗震性能,才能达到减轻震害的目的

    Elaborated on is the way to apply the whole conception to construction designs of ferroconcrete frame and brick laying Only when a design scheme is reasonably chosen and anti seismic property is effectively controlled , can the goal to mitigate seismic hazard be achieved