
hán huà
  • acculturation
  1. 城市社区民族文化涵化的类型分析

    On Types of Urban Community Acculturation in Ethnic Areas

  2. 人类学经典涵化概念的局限及其心理学视角的超越

    The Limits of the Classic Anthropological Concept of Acculturation and its Transcendence in Psychological Perspective

  3. 从上世纪70年代开始,涵化理论(CultivationTheory)对电视使用和观众认知之间的关系做了全面而深入的研究,为我们考察电视在现代社会中的作用提供了方法和依据。

    From the 1970s , Cultivation Theory had done comprehensive and in-depth research between the television use and the cognition of audience , which providing a method for our study of television in modern society .

  4. 随著时间的推移,台湾出生移民的涵化程度确实加深了。

    Over time , Taiwan-born immigrants have indeed become more acculturated .

  5. 媒介文化全球化与当代意识形态的涵化

    The globalization of media culture and the cultivation of contemporary ideology

  6. 第三章:以贝里的涵化理论为基础,主要论述南亚裔移民及其后代在英国的文化适应状况。

    Chapter Three discuss the situation of acculturation of the South Asian immigrants and their progeny .

  7. 这与塞普森的相似系统模式和斯库曼的语言涵化理论是一致的。

    This is in keeping with Sampson 's Approximative System Model and Schumann 's Acculturation theory .

  8. 为了缓解这些问题,城市应当走内涵化发展道路。

    In order to alleviate these problems , cities should take the road of connotative development .

  9. 民俗语汇是反映民俗事象或涵化民俗要素的语汇。

    The vocabulary of folklore are words which reflect folklore matters or contain essential folklore factors .

  10. 农村民族社区儿童上中学的涵化与心理适应研究

    On the Acculturation and Psychological Adaptation of Ethnic High Schoolers in China 's Rural Ethnic Communities

  11. 本文从涵化理论角度分析了全球化进程中的媒介与民众意识形态关系。

    This paper analyzes the relation between media and public ideology in the process of globalization .

  12. 基于文化认同的涵化是探讨民族团结教育深化的重要视角;

    Cultural identification is a significant perspective fo the promotion of the education for ehinic Unity .

  13. 当代对“法的涵化”的研究拓宽了法学的研究视角,具有重要的研究价值和时代意义。

    The study in legal acculturation broadens the perspective of law , with important value and significance .

  14. 作为一种文化互动现象,文化涵化可以被应用到翻译研究中。

    Acculturation , a phenomenon of cultural interaction , has the potential of being applied to translation studies .

  15. 本研究即呼应此需,检验台湾地区电视对青少年的涵化影响。

    This study answers to such call and examines Taiwanese television 's cultivation effect on its youth audience .

  16. 少数民族入入城市的入程就是一个随同着“调适”和“涵化”的入程。

    The process for ethnic groups entering city is one accompanied by " adaptation " and " Acculturation " .

  17. 文化校园是育人的沃土,它具有较强的涵化、养成和培育作用。

    Cultural the campus is a useful lesson of the earth , it has a strong develop and grow role .

  18. 古代徐州地处齐鲁、楚、宋文化的接触地带,多元地域文化在此交汇、融合与涵化,形成具有自身特色的边际性文化区域。

    Ancient Xuzhou is located on the area which the Qilu and Chu and Song 's culture get in touch with .

  19. 这是中西跨文化交际中汉语文化顺涵化的标志。

    This is an indication of Chinese culture ′ s positive acculturation in the intercultural communication between China and the West .

  20. 文章最重要的结论是:(1)对旅游涵化理论的修正。

    The most important conclusions of the study are listed below . ( 1 ) The modification of tourism acculturation theory .

  21. 这些要素在涵化教育中的功能不同,但都对高校学生的思想形成起着非常重要的作用。

    These elements have different functions in acculturation education , but all have significance in thought forming of higher college students .

  22. 在这一进程中,他们将经历文化震惊、文化涵化、文化再适应直至文化创新的过程。

    In this procedure , they will go through culture shock , culture assimilation , culture re-acclimatization and even culture innovation .

  23. 我们把这种由两个或两个以上不同文化体系间持续接触、影响而造成的一方或双方的原有文化的变迁称之为文化的涵化。

    The changes to the original culture caused by continuous contact or impact between two or more different cultural systems is called acculturation .

  24. 研究发现,假设基本被证实,即时尚杂志在消费主义内容方面具有明显的涵化效果,并且这种效果是通过主流化和共振过程来实现的。

    Fashion magazine had a significant cultivated effect on audience in consumerism contents , and this effect was achieved through mainstreaming and resonance .

  25. 针对这些要素,探索了涵化教育在高校思想政治工作中的实践途径。

    Aiming at these elements , this paper explored the practical approaches of acculturation education in higher college students ' ideological and political work .

  26. 一般而言,文化涵化通常包括三个相继出现但互有迭合的过程:文化传播、文化融合和文化创新。

    In general , cultural acculturation typically include three have appeared , but each Recessed : cultural transmission , cultural integration and cultural innovation .

  27. 本论文对美国大众传播研究中产生过重要影响的涵化理论给予了全面的评价。

    This paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of the cultivation hypothesis , one of the influential theories in mass communication research in the United States .

  28. 涵化是文化变迁的基本形式,导致文化涵化的原因多种多样,它们对文化变迁的影响力也有大有小。

    Acculturation is the essential form of cultural change . The causes of acculturation vary , and their influences on cultural change are different too .

  29. 而运用涵化教育工作方法是一个新的尝试,它是符合当前高校思想政治工作客观规律和先进要求的科学方法,因此,它必将为增强高校学生思想政治工作的实效性提供一些有益的启示。

    However , acculturation education is a new attempt . It is accord with objective law and advanced demand of current ideological and political work .

  30. 舆论传播方面的研究成果主要有:两级传播理论、议程设置理论、培养(涵化)理论和沉默的螺旋理论。

    The research results are : two-step flow of communication theory , the agenda-setting function theory , cultivation theory and the spiral of silence theory .