
  • 网络Liquid Argon;LAr
  1. 文章主要介绍液氩冷量回收装置的原理、流程及操作要点。

    The paper describes the principle , process and major operating points of the LAr refrigeration capacity recovery apparatus .

  2. 浅谈CL-1-75型液氩泵的改进

    The Improvement on The CL-1-75 Liquid Argon Pump

  3. 液氩泵用活塞环摩擦磨损性能

    The Friction and Wear Characteristics of Piston Ring in Liquid Argon Pump

  4. 液氩冷量回收技术

    Technique involving recovering the refrigeration capacity of liquid argon

  5. 减少液氩中含氮量的几点做法

    Some methods to reduce nitrogen content in liquid argon

  6. 液氩贮存和输送系统回流工艺管线的改进

    Improving of the Reflux Technology Pipeline in Liquid Argon Storage and Transportation System

  7. 非简谐振动对液氩的临界点与玻意耳线的影响

    The influences of anharmonic vibration 0n critical point and Boyle curve of liquid ar

  8. 铁路液氩贮运卸装的综合利用

    The Integrated Railroad Utilization of Transporting , Storing , Unloading Pressure Tank of Liquid Argon

  9. 简要介绍CL175型液氩泵的缺陷,分析其原因,介绍改进措施与效。

    Introduce the shortcoming of CL-1-75 liquid argon pump and analyze the reason about it .

  10. 进粗氩塔Ⅰ顶部的粗液氩波动对氩馏分的影响

    Influence of fluctuation in liquid crude argon flowing into the top of No. ⅰ crude argon column on argon fraction

  11. 一个简单的整肃盐酸水溶液水解液氩完全消除前形成(94.1)20。

    A simple purge of the aqueous HCl solution with Ar prior to the hydrolysis completely eliminated formation of ( - ) - 20 .

  12. 另外,与速度滑移相似,表面摩擦系数的变化主要取决于近壁区液氩数密度的分布。

    In addition , The friction coefficient mainly depends on the number density distribution in the near wall region similar with the velocity slip .

  13. 通过对制氩装置生产实践的摸索,分析了影响液氩产量、质量的主要因素;

    The major factors affecting liquid argon output and quality are analyzed on the basis of production experience in operating the argon recovery plant .

  14. 结合液氩贮存和输送系统回流工艺管线存在的具体问题,分析其原因,提出了改进方案。

    Based on existing problems of the reflux technology pipeline in the liquid argon storage and transportation system , the reasons are analysed and improving project is put forward .

  15. 间接利用包括:用空分后得到的液氮、液氧、液氩,来进行低温破碎、冷冻干燥、低温干燥、水和污染物处理及冷冻食品等。

    The indirect use includes low-temperature crushing , frozen drying , low-temperature drying , water and pollutant processing , and frozen food with the liquefied nitrogen , oxygen , and argon made from air separation .

  16. 氧气纯度达到99.96%,氮气纯度达到了99.99%,液氩产量75Nm~3/h,达到了设计目标。

    The pure degree of oxygen attain 99.96 % , the pure degree of nitrogen spirit come to a 99.99 % , liquid argon yield 75 Nm3 / h , come to a to design the target .

  17. 对将加氢制氩空分设备生产的粗氩送入无氢制氩设备中参与精馏进行了理论分析和研究,并且提出了实施措施,从而增加无氢制氩空分设备的液氩产量。

    In order to increase liquefied argon output from a hydrogen-free argon-producing air separation unit , the distillation process in the hydrogen-free argon recovery unit with the raw argon supplied from hydrogenating argon producing air separation unit has been theoretically analyzed , and some implementing measures are also proposed .

  18. 在实验室规模的直流电弧炉内通过中空电极向钢液吹氩,钢液中的氮可以脱到较低的水平。

    When argon gas was blown into liquid steel in an experiment-scale DC Arc Furnace through a hollow electrode , nitrogen content in molten steel could be decreased to a lower level .

  19. 方法:7例脉络膜血管瘤合并视网膜脱离者,采用单纯氩激光治疗。9例脉络膜膜血管瘤合并视网膜明显脱离、视网膜下积液较多者,采用巩膜冷凝、排出视网膜下液联合氩激光治疗。

    Methods : The Ar + laser therapy had been used to treat the choroidal hemangioma in 16 cases , while 9 of which with severe retinal detachment and more subretinal liquid had been treated by associating with scleral condensation and the drainage of subretinal liquid .