
rùn fèi zhǐ ké
  • Moistening the lungs and relieving cough;nourish the lung to arrest cough
  1. 具有补脾益气、清热解毒、润肺止咳等功效。

    With Spleen Qi , heat antidotes , such as cough Runfei effectiveness .

  2. 3临床应用润肺止咳汤与养阴清肺糖浆过程中,均未发现不良反应。

    There were no adverse reactions in clinical application .

  3. 可增强润肺止咳之力。

    Can enhance the strength of lungs and cough .

  4. 石斛类药材应用历史悠久,具有滋阴清热、润肺止咳、生津益胃等功效。

    The application of Dendrobium medicines has a long history , with nourishing yin and clearing heat , moistening lung cough , Shengjin Yiwei effects .

  5. 目的观察润肺止咳汤治疗小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘的临床疗效及其对体外过敏源的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of Runfei Zhike Decoction ( Decoction for moistening the lung to stop cough ) on infantile cough variant asthma ( CVA ) and the influence on in vitro allergic agent .

  6. 养阴润肺,化痰止咳。

    To nourish Yin of the lung , resolve phlegm and relieve cough .

  7. 银杏叶作为传统植物药具有润肺、平喘、止咳之功效。

    The ginkgo leaves can moisten the lung , smooth to breathe heavily and relieve cough as the traditional plant medicine .