
  • 网络message source;well-placed sources
  1. 交易打包合同包括德罗赞,联盟消息源告诉ESPN。

    Trade package includes Demar Derozan league sources tell ESPN .

  2. 据联盟消息源告诉ESPN,猛龙已经和马刺达成了主要为获得伦纳德的协议,该打包合同里球员包括德罗赞。

    Toronto has reached agreement in principle to acquire San Antonios Kawhi Leonard for package that includes Demar Derozan , league sources tell ESPN .

  3. 消息源生成事件消息,这些消息最终通过WebSphereSensorEvents网关发布到总线。

    Sources generate event messages that are ultimately published to the bus through the WebSphere Sensor Events gateway .

  4. Facebook用户经常在他们的新闻源中看到广告,而微信用户每天只会在他们的“发现”消息源中看到一两个广告。

    While Facebook users constantly see ads in their News Feeds , WeChat users only see one or two ads a day in their Moment feeds .

  5. 卡哇伊·伦纳德不希望去多伦多打球,联盟消息源告诉ESPN。

    Kawhi Leonard has no desire to play inToronto , league source tells ESPN .

  6. 这一令人鼓舞的消息源于这样一个发现:较低的白蜡树枯梢病易感性与较低水平的植物化学物质“环烯醚萜苷类”(iridoidglycosides)之间存在关联。

    The encouraging news comes from the discovery of a link between reduced susceptibility to ash dieback and lower levels of plant chemicals called iridoid glycosides .

  7. 这位2019年的总决赛MVP也正在认真考虑与猛龙队续约的事宜。消息源透露,纽约尼克斯队也正在努力促成与伦纳德的会面。

    The 2019 Finals MVP also is seriously considering re-signing with the Raptors.The New York Knicks are also working on securing a meeting with Leonard , sources said .

  8. 据Woj大神爆料,双方的关键球员都意识到交易很快要达成,联盟消息源告诉ESPN。

    Both key players are aware that a deal may be imminent , league sources tell ESPN .

  9. 一个球队消息源告诉ESPN,罗斯已经厌倦了受伤,这让他精神上饱受折磨。

    One team source told ESPN of Rose : " He 's tired of being hurt , and it 's taking a toll on him mentally . "

  10. 至于原因,根据联盟内部的消息源,其实非常有趣,尤其是考虑到现在的湖人队不停地尝试把自己变成一支更加年轻、更加开明的团队——他们甚至聘用了NBA最年轻有为、最能鼓舞人心的主教练卢克-沃顿。

    And the reason , according to league sources , is an interesting truth to bear in mind as the Lakers try to refashion themselves as a younger , more open-minded organization led by Luke Walton , the most youthful and inspiring head coach in the NBA .

  11. 消息源:尼克斯同火箭在为卡梅隆安东尼的交易方案而努力

    Sources : Knicks , Rockets working on Carmelo Anthony trade scenarios

  12. 消息源透露,会面将在洛杉矶进行。

    The meetings would be held in Los Angeles , sources said .

  13. 浅析西方媒体宠信匿名消息源之弊

    On Malpractice of Trusting Unduly Anonymous Informants of Western Media

  14. 一种高效的可选择验证完整性和消息源的加密体制

    An Efficient Encryption Scheme with Choosable Process of Verifying Integrity and Source of Messages

  15. 消息源:尼克斯搁置对安东尼的交易谈判,可能希望他回

    Sources : Knicks put Carmelo Anthony trade talks on hold may want him back

  16. 帕克兹沃斯基的消息源称,苹果希望在十月安排一场特别活动。

    His guys are saying that Apple hopes to schedule a special event that month .

  17. 科学家也是很好的消息源&他们通常和你一样追求真理。

    Scientists are also excellent sources & they generally share your pursuit of the truth .

  18. “他不可能得到他想要的,”内部消息源说。

    ' He has no chance of getting what he wants , 'an insider claimed .

  19. 消息源:为了保持勇士核心阵容完整不变,杜兰特愿意不拿顶薪。

    Sources : Kevin Durant willing to take less than max to keep Warriors core intact .

  20. 那么,如何处理匿名消息源呢&即将某一事实依据归于一个未透露姓名的出处?

    What about anonymous sourcing , the practice of attributing a fact to an unnamed source ?

  21. 关于小米6性能参数的传闻来源较少且消息源知名度较低。

    Information about the specs of the Mi 6 is sparse and often from little-known sources .

  22. 很多人将这种心态的差异归因于人们从各自消息源所获信息的不同。

    Many attribute this gap in attitude to the differing information people are receiving from their media sources .

  23. 来自某部的消息源称,此前的通常做法是把未使用的资金作为“圣诞节奖金”发放。

    Previously , the norm according to one ministry source was to use the unspent money as a'Christmas bonus ' .

  24. 这听起来似乎没有什么大不了的,它将所有的条目都列出来的形式使得你能够在一组不同的消息源中浏览。

    This might not sound all that big – but its'item-by-item'format means you can jump into a specific grouping of feeds .

  25. 另一个消息源说,她不愿意谈论乔布斯,因为她对乔布斯的道德人品存在怀疑。

    Another source said she was reluctant to discuss Mr. Jobs , because she had questions concerning his ethics and morality .

  26. 多伦多已经接近完成获得马刺全明星伦纳德的交易,联盟消息源告诉克里斯和我。

    Toronto is close to a deal to acquire Spurs all-star Kawhi Leonard , league sources tell @ Chrisbhaynes and me .

  27. 《华尔街日报》所得到的苹果公司的消息源通常较为可靠,据其称,新版手机的结构设计将会保持不变。

    According to the Wall Street Journal , whose Apple sources are usually reliable , the physical design will remain unchanged .

  28. 写到一半时,一个我等着采访的消息源给我打来电话,我却按了拒绝接听键。

    Mid-composition , I got a phone call from a source I had been waiting to talk to . I pressed ignore .

  29. 这是一套编程接口,抽象了身份验证、消息源验证和完整性。

    It is a set of programming interfaces that abstracts identity authentication , message origin authentication and integrity , and message confidentiality .

  30. 引发收购热议的是一篇路透社的报道,报道援引了一份关于潜在交易的文档作为消息源。

    The excitement was triggered by a Reuters story that cited documents about the potential transaction as the source of its information .