
hǎi nàn jiù zhù
  • salvage at sea
海难救助[hǎi nàn jiù zhù]
  1. 海难救助法律制度,古老而复杂。

    Salvage at sea is an ancient and complex legal system .

  2. 海难救助是海商法的一项独特法律制度。

    Salvage at sea is a particular system of maritime law .

  3. 论船长订立海难救助合同的权利

    On the legal rights of the captain in making salvage contract

  4. 国家主管机关从事和控制的海难救助相关法律问题研究

    A Study on the Salvage Performed or Controlled by the Competent Authorities

  5. 行政救助使海难救助的法律关系复杂化。

    The administrative salvage makes the law relationship of salvage more complicated .

  6. 国家主管机关海难救助若干法律问题研究

    A Study on the Legal Issues of Controlled Salvage

  7. 海难救助法基本原则

    Basical Principles of the Law of Salvage at Sea

  8. 完善我国海难救助报酬分配的几点建议

    Several Suggestions on Perfecting the Apportionment of Remuneration for Salvage at Sea in China

  9. 伴随着海运事业的发展,海难救助制度应运而生了。

    The system of Maritime Salvage has emerged with the development of maritime transportation business .

  10. 海难救助及保险人在其中的角色

    Salvage and the role of the insurer

  11. 海难救助报酬论

    On Reward of Salvage at Sea

  12. 浮船坞内坞修船舶的失事与海难救助的鉴定

    Authentication of the Accidents of Vessels under Repair in Floating Dock and the Salvage at Sea

  13. 论海难救助之概念

    Concept of Salvage at sea

  14. 经过无数人的努力,海难救助方面的立法也得到了逐步的完善。

    The legislation on the salvage at sea , has been improved by the efforts of generations .

  15. 在海难救助中,拖带救助是保证生命及财产同时获救的最有效方法之一。

    In salvage , towing assistance is the most effective method to ensure life and property safe .

  16. 救助报酬的分配是海难救助制度中一个至关重要的方面。

    Apportionment of remuneration for salvage is a pivotal aspect in the system of salvage at sea .

  17. 海运实践中,海难救助是通过船长与被救助人订立海难救助合同来进行的。

    In shipping practice , it is operated through the salvage contract made by captain and the helped .

  18. 年关于统一海难救助若干法律规定的国际公约

    International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Respecting Assistance and Salvage at Sea 1910 1910

  19. 参与救援的全国海难救助会北伦敦站指挥官杰夫-麦格雷戈表示,当时这对夫妻外加狗狗都穿着救生衣。

    National Sea Rescue Institute North London station commander Geoff McGregor said all three were wearing life jackets .

  20. 海难救助是海商法中特有的制度,其特殊性是其他法律所无法比拟的。

    Salvage at sea is a particular legal system in maritime law , as compared to other laws .

  21. 第一部分,海难救助报酬的基本理论问题。

    The paper is divided into four chapters : Chapter one discusses the basic theory of salvage reward .

  22. 这其中包括国家主管机关直接从事的海难救助和国家主管机关控制的海难救助。

    It includes the salvage performed directly by the competent authorities and the salvage controlled by the competent authorities .

  23. 海难救助报酬,是指救助人在海上或者与海相通的可航水域对遇险船舶进行救助而取得的报酬。

    Salvage reward means the payment the salvation will obtain if he saves the vessels in distress on navigable waters .

  24. 历史上,海难救助制度对于减少海上风险带来的损失以及促进海运事业产生了积极的作用。

    Historically , the system has played a positive role in minimizing losses incurred through the perils of sea and promoting marine transportation business .

  25. 在确定双方当事人的海难救助关系后,如何实现救助人的报酬请求权是实践中最常遇见,也是最难解决的问题。

    After the determination of salvage relationship between both parties , it is most easily occurred and difficulty solved problems in practice regarding how to realize the reward claim right of salvors .

  26. 麦格雷戈长期在全国海难救助会做志愿者,他表示:“情况完全不同,(以前是志愿者)现在自己却需要别人来营救,觉得真难为情。”

    Graham , a longtime volunteer with the National Sea Rescue Institute , said it was " humbling to have the shoe on the other foot and need to be rescued . "

  27. 大型浮式起重机(简称浮吊)作为特殊工程船舶,在海洋石油开发、大型海上工程、沿海风电设备安装和海难救助等作业中得到广泛运用。

    As a special project ship , Large floating crane have been widely used in offshore oil development , large-scale offshore engineering , coastal and installation of wind power and other salvage operations .

  28. 随着海洋资源开发、海上工程和海难救助事业的发展,起重船成为了不可缺少的工程船,在需求量加大的同时,规模也越来越大。

    With the development of marine resources , marine engineering and salvage business , floating crane has become an indispensable engineering ship . While the quantity demanded increased , the scale is also growing .

  29. 随着海难救助制度的发展,如何鼓励救助人积极救助遇难船舶和减少环境污染,已经成为国际海事法中急需解决的问题。

    With the development of salvage at sea , how to encourage the salvor to take the salvage operation positively and reduce the environment pollution has been an emergent problem in the international admiralty law .

  30. 第三十二条因海难救助费用提起的诉讼,由救助地或者被救助船舶最先到达地人民法院管辖。

    Article 32 A lawsuit instituted for expenses of maritime salvage shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the salvage took place or where the salvaged ship first docked after the disaster .