
  • 网络sea shell;SeaShell
  1. 听着远方海贝壳的音乐跳舞。

    Dance the night away to the music of the Seashells .

  2. 她卖的贝壳是海贝壳。

    The shells she sells are surely seashells .

  3. 她在海岸上出售海贝壳。她出售的壳是海贝壳我确信。

    The shells she sells are seashells I 'm sure .

  4. 她在海滩边卖海贝壳。

    She sells sea shells on the seashore .

  5. 我肯定她卖的一定是海贝壳。

    I 'm sure she sells seashore shells .

  6. 打我刚记事时起,我就开始收集海贝壳和化石,热衷于徒步旅行及观察野生鸟类。

    I 'd been collecting seashells and fossils , hiking and bird-watching since I could remember .

  7. 贝壳串珠是用海贝壳制作的。

    Wampum was made of seashells .

  8. 螺旋的分成许多间隔的海贝壳。

    A spiral chambered seashell .

  9. 她在阳光灿烂的海滨卖贝壳,我确信她卖的贝壳是海贝壳。

    She sells seashells at the shining seashore , and the shells she sells are seashells , I 'm sure .

  10. 弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特设计了纽约的艺术博物馆,是日本的海贝壳激发了他的灵感。

    Frank Lloyd Wright , who built an art museum in New York , found inspired by Japanese , seashells .

  11. 她在光亮的海滩上卖海贝壳。我相信她所卖的贝壳是海贝。

    Ls sea shells on the shining seashore , and shells she sells on the seashore are seashells I am sure .

  12. 但是经过逐年累积,到去年为止,这棵强壮的果树上已经装饰了9800颗彩蛋,上面巧妙地装饰了各种饰物,从亮片到海贝壳应有尽有。

    The number increased year by year ; and by last year , the sturdy tree was festooned with 9800 eggs , artfully decorated with everything from sequins to sea shells .

  13. 这里有各种各样的化石,从植物、树木、鱼、爬行动物和珊瑚虫,到腹足动物(蛇)、双壳类动物(海贝壳)和海百合类动物(古代的海百合)都有。

    All sorts of fossils are included in the mix , ranging from fossilised plants , trees , fish , reptiles and corals to gastropods ( snails ) , bivalves ( sea shells ) and crinoids ( ancient sea lilies ) .

  14. 美飘荡于大地之上,游弋在深海之中,它闪烁在海摈贝壳和宝石的色调中。

    It haunts the depths of the earth and the sea . It gleams from the hues of the shell and the precious stone .

  15. 本文采用X线荧光光谱法,对25种淡海水产贝壳的珍珠层进行了多种元素的检测,比较它们之间的差异。

    This papar reports the result of determination and comparison of 18 elements in the pearl layer of shells , which were prepared from 25 speices of freshwater mussels or marine pearl oysters , by using fluorescent X-ray spectrographic analysis apparatus .

  16. 我们如今仍能在珠穆朗玛峰的上面部分见到几亿年前的海生物和贝壳化石。

    The upper formations of Everest now contain marine fossils of sea creatures and shells that once occupied the earlier ocean .

  17. 随着时间的推移,海底岩石因受挤压而聚拢在一起,并且以每年11厘米(4.5英寸)的速度上升,最终形成了现在的高度。我们如今仍能在珠穆朗玛峰的上面部分见到几亿年前的海生物和贝壳化石。

    Over time , ocean floor rocks were forced together and pushed upward at a speed of up to 11 centimeters ( 4.5 in ) per year , eventually reaching the current position . The upper formations of Everest now contain marine fossils of sea creatures and shells that once occupied the earlier ocean .

  18. 在海浜捡各种贝壳是很有趣的。

    It is fun picking up various shells on the beach .