
hǎi shí dònɡ
  • sea cave
  1. 象鼻崖位于西贡桥咀岛(地质公园)南端大岩嘴附近有象鼻洞、倒吊蜡烛、达摩洞三个海蚀洞。

    Elephant trunk cliff in Sai Kung Kiu Tsui Island ( Geological Park ) south large rock cave mouth with Elephant trunk cave , hung upside down candle cave and Dharma Cave .

  2. 岛的南部沿岸海蚀地貌发育,海蚀崖高达30~50m,海蚀平台宽20~70m,有35个大小不等海蚀洞。

    The abrasion forms , such as sea cliff as high as 30 ~ 50m , abrasion platform as wide as 20 ~ 70m and sea cave ( a total of 35 caves ), are developed along the south coast of the island .